
Problem Statement for "TheLuckyString"

Problem Statement

John and Brus are studying string theory at the university. According to Brus, a string is called lucky if no two consecutive characters are equal. John is analyzing a String s, and he wants to know how many distinct lucky strings can be generated by reordering the letters in s. If s is a lucky string in its original ordering, it should also be considered in the count.


Method signature:
int count(String s)
(be sure your method is public)


  • s will contain between 1 and 10 characters, inclusive.
  • Each character of s will be a lowercase letter ('a' - 'z').


  1. "ab"

    Returns: 2

    Two lucky strings - "ab" and "ba".

  2. "aaab"

    Returns: 0

    It's impossible to construct a lucky string.

  3. "aabbbaa"

    Returns: 1

    "abababa" is the only lucky string that can be generated.

  4. "abcdefghij"

    Returns: 3628800

  5. "zzddvveett"

    Returns: 39480

  6. "nhhhhhalrn"

    Returns: 336

  7. "g"

    Returns: 1

  8. "kavkvkkak"

    Returns: 6

  9. "asdfgasdf"

    Returns: 8760

  10. "aaaabbc"

    Returns: 3

  11. "zzzzzzzz"

    Returns: 0

  12. "zzz"

    Returns: 0

  13. "zzzzzzz"

    Returns: 0

  14. "wwwwwwwwww"

    Returns: 0

  15. "higihgiigg"

    Returns: 138

  16. "hghgggiggg"

    Returns: 0

  17. "gihggghigg"

    Returns: 0

  18. "hggigggggi"

    Returns: 0

  19. "giiggggggg"

    Returns: 0

  20. "iggggghgii"

    Returns: 0

  21. "hggighigii"

    Returns: 138

  22. "xxxxyyyxxx"

    Returns: 0

  23. "xxxxxxyxy"

    Returns: 0

  24. "xyxxxyyxx"

    Returns: 0

  25. "xxxxxxxxy"

    Returns: 0

  26. "xxxxxxxyy"

    Returns: 0

  27. "xxxyxxyxx"

    Returns: 0

  28. "ageifhbace"

    Returns: 584640

  29. "egaciidadg"

    Returns: 96480

  30. "beieddcaai"

    Returns: 96480

  31. "caaagehgag"

    Returns: 2520

  32. "giggjfcaci"

    Returns: 47760

  33. "aabbbccdaa"

    Returns: 1074

  34. "abcdzefghz"

    Returns: 1451520

  35. "abcdeababa"

    Returns: 2520

  36. "abcdefghia"

    Returns: 1451520

  37. "ba"

    Returns: 2

  38. "dihgfejcba"

    Returns: 3628800

  39. "edcba"

    Returns: 120

  40. "iabcdefghi"

    Returns: 1451520

  41. "gkeababzea"

    Returns: 47760

  42. "acab"

    Returns: 6

  43. "asdfasaada"

    Returns: 156

  44. "dsasdaa"

    Returns: 38

  45. "cba"

    Returns: 6

  46. "htjkhgdea"

    Returns: 141120

  47. "jidefghabc"

    Returns: 3628800

  48. "bba"

    Returns: 1

  49. "aaaaaaaaaa"

    Returns: 0

  50. "bca"

    Returns: 6

  51. "dcba"

    Returns: 24

  52. "aabbccddee"

    Returns: 39480

  53. "dsdab"

    Returns: 36

  54. "zzcba"

    Returns: 36

  55. "fedcba"

    Returns: 720

  56. "aaallacca"

    Returns: 6

  57. "jihgfedcba"

    Returns: 3628800

  58. "abcdefgefg"

    Returns: 236880

  59. "abcabcabcd"

    Returns: 2184

  60. "cdefghijkl"

    Returns: 3628800

  61. "abcdafghij"

    Returns: 1451520

  62. "sasa"

    Returns: 2

  63. "asdgasdgsd"

    Returns: 4204

  64. "aacdefghij"

    Returns: 1451520

  65. "zycdefghvd"

    Returns: 1451520

  66. "dbca"

    Returns: 24

  67. "aaabbbcccd"

    Returns: 2184

  68. "dteyuvvbi"

    Returns: 141120

  69. "jabcdefghi"

    Returns: 3628800

  70. "abcddsdfgf"

    Returns: 115920

  71. "abcdbfgccj"

    Returns: 115920

  72. "zyxcba"

    Returns: 720

  73. "abcdefgefh"

    Returns: 584640

  74. "abcdedrtkb"

    Returns: 584640

  75. "gituoib"

    Returns: 1800

  76. "gituoibyh"

    Returns: 141120

  77. "abaahijklb"

    Returns: 115920

  78. "aabcdefghi"

    Returns: 1451520

  79. "aaabbbccde"

    Returns: 10080

  80. "aaaabbcccc"

    Returns: 138

  81. "aabc"

    Returns: 6

  82. "dca"

    Returns: 6

  83. "abcdefghhh"

    Returns: 282240

  84. "uuvvkklll"

    Returns: 1686

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