Problem Statement
Since the site is so large, the team cannot explore all of it. Instead, they will start at a point chosen uniformly at random from all points on the site boundary, and move in a straight line towards a point on the site boundary which is farthest away from the starting point. If several points on the boundary are farthest away from the starting point, the team chooses one of them with equal probability. The team's analysts are hoping that this method will give the team a high chance of finding the deposit.
Let us say that the team finds the deposit if the team's path and the deposit region intersect in at least one point. Return the probability that the team finds the deposit.
- Class:
- Deposit
- Method:
- successProbability
- Parameters:
- int[], int[], int[], int[]
- Returns:
- double
- Method signature:
- double successProbability(int[] siteX, int[] siteY, int[] depositX, int[] depositY)
- (be sure your method is public)
- The returned value must have an absolute or relative error less than 1e-9.
- A polygon is convex if it does not intersect itself, and every straight line joining any two interior points of the polygon is entirely contained in the polygon's interior.
- siteX, siteY, depositX and depositY will each contain between 3 and 50 elements, inclusive.
- siteX and siteY will contain the same number of elements.
- depositX and depositY will contain the same number of elements.
- Each element of siteX, siteY, depositX and depositY will be between -1000 and 1000, inclusive.
- The points (siteX[i], siteY[i]), taken in order, will describe a counterclockwise traversal of vertices in a convex polygon.
- The points (depositX[i], depositY[i]), taken in order, will describe a counterclockwise traversal of vertices in a convex polygon.
- In each of the polygons, no three adjacent vertices will lie on the same line.
- The deposit polygon will be located entirely in the interior of the site polygon. The boundaries of the two polygons will not intersect.
Returns: 0.6666666666666666
In the picture below, the outer square represents the site and the inner square represents the deposit. The blue sections of the site's perimeter consist of points which would lead to failure if they were chosen as the start of the team's path. The coordinates of these ranges are given (in blue). The white sections show the starting points for a successful path.
Returns: 1.0
Here, the team will always find the deposit.
Returns: 0.6112700209855423
Returns: 0.49892756207100747
Returns: 0.0039960039960039925
Returns: 0.39329859472539447
Returns: 0.029887282332404928
Returns: 0.29959590476297626
Returns: 0.1908608236718948
Returns: 0.0018728249201476824
Returns: 0.8625502858248563
Returns: 0.07204610784196377
Returns: 0.004036044936476186
Returns: 0.06756915552794268
Returns: 0.021381000633306245
Returns: 0.3751256979720829
Returns: 0.10365688522934241
Returns: 0.02823779711012459
Returns: 0.9394475843467148
Returns: 0.5832037840692889
Returns: 0.11391314903919082
Returns: 0.4096914844604827
Returns: 0.7386630758413766
Returns: 0.16641662251521538
Returns: 0.06779085335292943
Returns: 0.04518850219072291
Returns: 0.1451619934629799
Returns: 0.4274452937412129
Returns: 0.008935234397030497
Returns: 0.09513713476233558
Returns: 0.3025610979987748
Returns: 0.16617134415060691
Returns: 0.1805231661879918
Returns: 0.3466163597033925
Returns: 0.40987621420480513
Returns: 0.03320475364743798
Returns: 0.19298569079846398
Returns: 0.2033625662190758
Returns: 0.35681320520283866
Returns: 0.6860496328005969
Returns: 0.03720853837939225
Returns: 0.004128382874308198
Returns: 0.029948228476423373
Returns: 0.4041107817013462
Returns: 0.6839703483808068
Returns: 0.26391339723898255
Returns: 0.03455127922328753
Returns: 0.8972881597882671
Returns: 0.0376630955365454
Returns: 0.10743303067209879
Returns: 0.0011695927606116118
Returns: 0.864904145301659
Returns: 0.13236047712783444
Returns: 0.17028851031895512
Returns: 0.021304270277792497
Returns: 0.018043571445341654
Returns: 0.1469494815040299
Returns: 0.10093876317287691
Returns: 0.4226159864842502
Returns: 0.11006015273124513
Returns: 0.05146316157753421
Returns: 0.9999999999999998
Returns: 0.8043578337843024
Returns: 0.5808199329479491
Returns: 0.6158435559713016
Returns: 1.0
Returns: 0.30910571700264866
Returns: 0.23611111111111108
Returns: 0.9769672331458316
Returns: 1.337613697164386E-4
{1, 7, 7, 4, 1, -2, -2}
{-10, -10, 2, 3, 2, -1, -7}
{1, 5, 3, 1}
{-5, -1, 0, -1}
Returns: 0.7386630758413766
{10, 10, -2, -3, -2, 1, 7}
{1, 7, 7, 4, 1, -2, -2}
{5, 1, 0, 1}
{1, 5, 3, 1}
Returns: 0.7386630758413766
{-10, -10, 2, 3, 2, -1, -7}
{-1, -7, -7, -4, -1, 2, 2}
{-5, -1, 0, -1}
{-1, -5, -3, -1}
Returns: 0.7386630758413766
Returns: 0.27148975118046714
Returns: 0.7702312891360079
Returns: 0.3793352660971391
Returns: 0.5180629126355288
Returns: 0.9145241341927509
Returns: 0.9917372058433057
Returns: 0.9775235179532544
Returns: 0.4038911765830133
Returns: 0.623951933855106
Returns: 0.13668070303616842
Returns: 0.8954835096594326
Returns: 0.4682156296329075
Returns: 0.6691881412150928
Returns: 0.5746107577584214
Returns: 0.98806826220702
Returns: 0.7968612970922444
Returns: 0.6839121889083513
Returns: 0.7804528845352077