
Problem Statement for "Logical"

Problem Statement

Any logical statement can be written in the following format:
(<Var> or <Var>) and (<Var> or <Var>) and ... and (<Var> or <Var>)
<Var> can be a capital letter, or '~'(not) followed by a capital letter. Each "(<Var> or <Var>)" is called a BLOCK. For example:
"(P or P) and (~R or P) and (Q or Q)" is a logical statement with 3 BLOCKs.  
A logical statement can be MADE TRUE if there is a way of assigning truth values to the capital letters used, such that the entire statement evaluates to true. The previous example can be MADE TRUE since setting P and Q to true, and R to either true or false will make the statement true. Given a logical statement as a String[] of blocks, you will determine the minimum number of blocks that have to be removed such that the statement can be MADE TRUE. For example:
statement = {"P or Q","~P or ~P"}
This corresponds to the statement "(P or Q) and (~P or ~P)".  
This statement can already be MADE TRUE so your method would return 0.
statement = {"P or P","~P or ~P"}
This corresponds to the statement "(P or P) and (~P or ~P)".  
Removing either block will enable this statement to be MADE TRUE.  
Your method would return 1.
Create a class Logical that contains the method howMany, which takes a String[] statement, and returns an int that represents the minimum number of blocks that need to be removed such that the statement can be MADE TRUE.


Method signature:
int howMany(String[] statement)
(be sure your method is public)


  • statment must contain between 1 and 10 elements inclusive
  • Each element of statement must be of the form(quotes for clarity): " or " where can be either a capital letter ('A'-'Z'), or '~' followed by a capital letter


  1. {"P or P","~R or P","Q or Q"}

    Returns: 0

    This was one of the examples stated in the problem. The statement can already be MADE TRUE by making P, and Q true and R either false or true.

  2. {"P or Q","~P or ~P"}

    Returns: 0

    This example was also mentioned in the problem statement. Making P false and Q true will make this statement true thus the statement can be MADE TRUE as is.

  3. {"P or P","~P or ~P"}

    Returns: 1

    As mentioned in the problem, this statement cannot be MADE TRUE. If we remove either block the statement can be MADE TRUE.

  4. {"P or P","Q or Q","P or P","Q or Q","~P or ~Q","~P or ~Q"}

    Returns: 2

    This example shows that statements can be duplicated.

  5. {"A or B","B or C","C or D","D or E","A or C","~C or ~C","~A or ~A","~C or ~A"}

    Returns: 1

  6. {"A or B","C or D","E or F","G or H","I or J","K or L","M or N","O or P","Q or R","S or T"}

    Returns: 0

  7. {"A or A","~B or ~B","C or C","~D or ~D"}

    Returns: 0

  8. {"A or A","~B or ~B","C or C","~D or ~D","B or ~A","~C or D"}

    Returns: 2

  9. {"A or A","~B or ~B","C or C","~D or ~D","B or ~A","~C or D","~A or ~C","B or ~C","B or D"}}

    Returns: 2

  10. {"Z or Z","Y or Y","~Z or ~Y","Z or Z","Y or Y","~Z or ~Y","Z or Z","Y or Y","~Z or ~Y"}

    Returns: 3

  11. {"Z or Z","Y or Y","~Z or ~Y","A or A","B or B","~A or ~B","~M or ~M","~N or ~N","M or N","M or ~M"}

    Returns: 3

  12. {"A or A","~A or ~A","A or A","~A or ~A","A or A","~A or ~A","A or A","~A or ~A","A or A","~A or ~A"}

    Returns: 5

  13. {"A or B","B or C","C or D","~D or ~D","~C or ~C","~B or ~B","~A or ~A"}

    Returns: 2

  14. {"A or B","B or C","C or D","~D or ~D","~C or ~C","~B or ~B","~A or ~A","D or E","~E or ~E","~A or ~E"}

    Returns: 2

  15. {"A or B","~A or ~A","~B or ~B","A or A","B or B","~A or ~B"}

    Returns: 2

  16. {"P or Q"}

    Returns: 0

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