
Problem Statement for "EllysFractions"

Problem Statement

A positive common fraction is a fraction of the form A/B, where A and B are positive integers. An irreducible fraction is a positive common fraction such that A and B are relatively prime. (In other words, the only positive integer that divides both A and B is 1.)
Elly recently invented the factor fractions: A factor fraction is an irreducible fraction such that the product A*B is a factorial number (see Notes for definition). We will only be interested in factor fractions that lie strictly between 0 and 1. (That is, A must be strictly smaller than B.)


  • 2/3, 4/6, 4/7, 7/7, 6/1, 42/49 are six positive common fractions
  • Out of those six, the following three are irreducible: 2/3, 4/7, 6/1.
  • The fraction 2/3 is a factor fraction, because 2*3 = 6 and that is a factorial number.
  • The fraction 4/7 is not a factor fraction, because 4*7 = 28 and that is not a factorial number.
  • The fraction 6/1 is a factor fraction, because 6*1 = 6 and that is a factorial number. However, as 6/1 does not lie strictly between 0 and 1, we are not interested in this fraction.
  • Note that 4/6 is not a factor fraction. (We do have 4*6=24, but a factor fraction has to be irreducible.)

You are given an int N. Compute and return the number of factor fractions A/B such that 0 < A/B < 1 and A*B is one of the factorial numbers from 1! to N! (inclusive).


Method signature:
long getCount(int N)
(be sure your method is public)


  • The factorial of X, denoted X!, is the product of the first X positive integers. For example, 6! is 1*2*3*4*5*6 = 720. The factorial numbers are the numbers of the form X! for positive integer X. The smallest few: 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, ...
  • The answer will always fit in a 64-bit signed integer.


  • N will be between 1 and 250, inclusive.


  1. 1

    Returns: 0

    We are interested in factor fractions such that A*B = 1. The only positive common fraction with this property is the fraction 1/1. However, this fraction is not strictly between 0 and 1.

  2. 2

    Returns: 1

    Here the only valid factor fraction is 1/2.

  3. 3

    Returns: 3

    The three fractions are 1/2, 1/6, and 2/3. (We have 1*2 = 2! and 1*6 = 2*3 = 3!.)

  4. 5

    Returns: 9

  5. 100

    Returns: 177431885

    Plenty of fractions here.

  6. 250

    Returns: 61048957984531789

  7. 249

    Returns: 56545358357161293

  8. 248

    Returns: 52041758729790797

  9. 97

    Returns: 127100237

  10. 199

    Returns: 144809898763597

  11. 241

    Returns: 20516561338197325

  12. 42

    Returns: 25933

  13. 218

    Returns: 1094787945162061

  14. 85

    Returns: 30631245

  15. 170

    Returns: 2423142966605

  16. 225

    Returns: 1798475386938701

  17. 229

    Returns: 3065112782136653

  18. 109

    Returns: 1049847117

  19. 213

    Returns: 742944224273741

  20. 215

    Returns: 883681712629069

  21. 206

    Returns: 391100503385421

  22. 146

    Returns: 103860626765

  23. 32

    Returns: 5453

  24. 78

    Returns: 9659725

  25. 212

    Returns: 672575480096077

  26. 242

    Returns: 25020160965567821

  27. 246

    Returns: 43034559475049805

  28. 193

    Returns: 48052875519309

  29. 187

    Returns: 23863619708237

  30. 142

    Returns: 69500888397

  31. 105

    Returns: 445867341

  32. 153

    Returns: 258479449421

  33. 154

    Returns: 292839187789

  34. 43

    Returns: 34125

  35. 133

    Returns: 20108764493

  36. 172

    Returns: 2972898780493

  37. 217

    Returns: 1024419200984397

  38. 219

    Returns: 1165156689339725

  39. 198

    Returns: 109625526674765

  40. 227

    Returns: 2220687852004685

  41. 22

    Returns: 845

  42. 39

    Returns: 15693

  43. 120

    Returns: 6150120781

  44. 163

    Returns: 911314478413

  45. 168

    Returns: 1873387152717

  46. 50

    Returns: 124237

  47. 36

    Returns: 9549

  48. 145

    Returns: 95270692173

  49. 204

    Returns: 320731759207757

  50. 62

    Returns: 746829

  51. 73

    Returns: 4416845

  52. 84

    Returns: 26436941

  53. 174

    Returns: 4072410408269

  54. 165

    Returns: 1186192385357

  55. 4

    Returns: 5

  56. 119

    Returns: 5613249869

  57. 48

    Returns: 91469

  58. 8

    Returns: 29

  59. 38

    Returns: 13645

  60. 110

    Returns: 1318282573

  61. 224

    Returns: 1657737898583373

  62. 30

    Returns: 3405

  63. 29

    Returns: 2893

  64. 67

    Returns: 1533261

  65. 191

    Returns: 34858735985997

  66. 93

    Returns: 85157197

  67. 107

    Returns: 647193933

  68. 41

    Returns: 21837

  69. 15

    Returns: 173

  70. 149

    Returns: 138220365133

  71. 197

    Returns: 92033340630349

  72. 56

    Returns: 288077

  73. 141

    Returns: 60910953805

  74. 230

    Returns: 3628062735557965

  75. 121

    Returns: 6686991693

  76. 101

    Returns: 210986317

  77. 7

    Returns: 21

  78. 102

    Returns: 244540749

  79. 144

    Returns: 86680757581

  80. 49

    Returns: 107853

  81. 130

    Returns: 13666313549

  82. 124

    Returns: 8297604429

  83. 205

    Returns: 355916131296589

  84. 91

    Returns: 68379981

  85. 127

    Returns: 10445088077

  86. 182

    Returns: 12868503430477

  87. 59

    Returns: 419149

  88. 195

    Returns: 65645061563725

  89. 190

    Returns: 30460689474893

  90. 74

    Returns: 5465421

  91. 83

    Returns: 22242637

  92. 180

    Returns: 8470456919373

  93. 116

    Returns: 4002637133

  94. 140

    Returns: 52321019213

  95. 159

    Returns: 567717094733

  96. 181

    Returns: 10669480174925

  97. 228

    Returns: 2502162828715341

  98. 57

    Returns: 320845

  99. 137

    Returns: 30846182733

  100. 175

    Returns: 4622166222157

  101. 244

    Returns: 34027360220308813

  102. 247

    Returns: 47538159102420301

  103. 245

    Returns: 38530959847679309

  104. 131

    Returns: 15813797197

  105. 211

    Returns: 602206735918413

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