
Problem Statement for "RainyRoad"

Problem Statement

Fox Ciel is going to take a path to meet her friends. The path is tiled with 1x1 square tiles. It is N tiles long and 2 tiles wide. If we imagine that the path is going from the left to the right, we can view it as a rectangle with 2 rows and N columns of tiles. The rows of the path are numbered 0 to 1 from top to bottom, and the columns of the path are numbered 0 to N-1 from left to right. Ciel starts at the tile in row 0, column 0. She has to reach the tile in row 0, column N-1.

In each step, Ciel can move to an adjacent tile. Two tiles are adjacent if they share at least one point (a side or a corner).

Because it rained yesterday, some tiles are covered by puddles of water. Ciel will not step on these tiles. You are given a String[] road. The j-th character of i-th element is 'W' if a tile at i-th row of j-th column is covered by water, and '.' otherwise.

Return the String "YES" if she can move to her destination without entering a tile which is filled with water. Otherwise, return "NO".


Method signature:
String isReachable(String[] road)
(be sure your method is public)


  • The constraints guarantee that the starting tile and the destination tile are never covered by water.


  • road will contain exactly 2 elements.
  • Each elements of road will contain between 2 and 50 characters, inclusive.
  • All elements of road will contain the same number of characters.
  • Each character of road will be either '.' or 'W'.
  • The first character and the last character of 0-th element of road will be '.'.


  1. {".W.." ,"...."}

    Returns: "YES"

    One of the possible ways is as follows. Here, 'F' is the tile occupied by Fox Ciel. "FW.." "...." ".W.." "F..." ".W.." ".F.." ".W.." "..F." ".W.F" "...."

  2. {".W.." ,"..W."}

    Returns: "YES"

  3. {".W..W.." ,"...WWW."}

    Returns: "NO"

  4. {".." ,"WW"}

    Returns: "YES"

  5. {".WWWW." ,"WWWWWW"}

    Returns: "NO"

  6. {".W.W.W." ,"W.W.W.W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  7. {".............................................W." ,".............................................W."}

    Returns: "NO"

  8. {"..", "W."}

    Returns: "YES"

  9. {"..", ".."}

    Returns: "YES"

  10. {"..", ".W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  11. {".W.", "WWW"}

    Returns: "NO"

  12. {".W.", "W.W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  13. {"...", "..."}

    Returns: "YES"

  14. {".W...", "W...."}

    Returns: "YES"

  15. {"...W......", "WW..W.W.W."}

    Returns: "YES"

  16. {"....WW.......W.", ".WW...WW......W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  17. {"..W.W....W..........", "WW..............W.WW"}

    Returns: "YES"

  18. {"........W......W...W.....", "W.WW........WW........W.."}

    Returns: "YES"

  19. {"..................................................", "W................................................."}

    Returns: "YES"

  20. {"..................................................", ".WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"}

    Returns: "YES"

  21. {".WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.", "W................................................W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  22. {".WWWWW.", "W.....W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  23. {"..WW.WW.WWW.WWWWWWWWW.W.W.", "WW..W..W...W.........W.W.W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  24. {".WWWWW.WWWWW.WWWW.WW.WWWWWW..WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.", "......W.....W....W..W......WW................"}

    Returns: "YES"

  25. {".W.....", "......W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  26. {".WWW.W....W...........W...", "...............W........WW"}

    Returns: "YES"

  27. {"............W..W........W...........WW.......", "......W..........W.....W.................W..."}

    Returns: "YES"


    Returns: "NO"

  29. {"...WW...W.WWW.WWWWWW.W..WW.WWWW.......WWWW.WWW..W.", "W..WW...W.WWW.WWWWWW.W..WW.WWWW.......WWWW.WWW..WW"}

    Returns: "NO"

  30. {".W.W..W.W..W.WW...W..W.WW..W.W..WW..W.............", "WW...W.........W.W.WWW.W.WW.W..W......W..WW.WWWW.W"}

    Returns: "NO"

  31. {".W..WWW.W..W.WWW......W.W......W..W.W.WWW.WW.WWW..", ".W..WWW.W..W.WWW......W.W......W..W.W.WWW.WW.WWW.."}

    Returns: "NO"

  32. {"..W.W.WW..W.W.WW..WWWWWW.WW....W....W........W....", ".WWW.W..W..W....W...W.WWW..WW.W.WWWW..WW.......WW."}

    Returns: "NO"

  33. {"..W..W.", "WW.WW.W"}

    Returns: "YES"

  34. {".WWWWW.WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..W.", "....W.W.....W..WW...W.WW.."}

    Returns: "NO"


    Returns: "NO"

  36. {"....WW.", "....WWW"}

    Returns: "NO"

  37. {".WWW...WW.W.W.W.WW....WWW.", "W.W....WW.WWW...W...W.W.WW"}

    Returns: "NO"

  38. {".WWW..W....WWWW..W.WWWW.WWWW....W..WW.WW..W..", "WWWW...W..W..W.WW..W.WW.WWW..W...W..W.WW...W."}

    Returns: "NO"

  39. {".W.W.W.", "WWWW.WW"}

    Returns: "NO"


    Returns: "NO"


    Returns: "NO"

  42. {".WWWWW.", "WWWWWW."}

    Returns: "NO"


    Returns: "NO"


    Returns: "NO"

  45. {".W............................................." ,".W............................................."}

    Returns: "NO"

  46. {".W..", "..W." }

    Returns: "YES"

  47. {".W.W.W.", "W.W.W.W" }

    Returns: "YES"

  48. {".W..", "...." }

    Returns: "YES"

  49. {".W..", ".W.." }

    Returns: "NO"

  50. {".W.", ".W." }

    Returns: "NO"

  51. {"..W.", ".W.." }

    Returns: "YES"

  52. {"...", ".W." }

    Returns: "YES"

  53. {".WW.", "..W." }

    Returns: "NO"

  54. {".W..W..", "...WWW." }

    Returns: "NO"

  55. {"...W.", "...W." }

    Returns: "NO"

  56. {".............................................W.", ".............................................W." }

    Returns: "NO"

  57. {".W.", "W.W" }

    Returns: "YES"

  58. {"...........................................W...", "...........................................W..." }

    Returns: "NO"

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