Problem Statement
You are given a board with N row and M columns. We will use (i,j) to denote the j-th cell in the i-th row (0-based indices). Each cell is initially white. You goal is to have a board that has at least one black cell in each row, and at the same time at least one black cell in each column.
You will paint the cells black in turns. In each turn, you select one cell (in a specific way that is given below) and color it black. You stop as soon as your goal is achieved.
You are given a
Formally, let s be the sum of all p[i][j]. Then in each turn the cell (i,j) is chosen with probability p[i][j]/s. Note that the same cell may be chosen multiple times: we may sometimes choose a cell that is already black.
The constraints guarantee that achieving your goal is possible. Return the expected number of turns until your goal is achieved.
- Class:
- RandomPaintingOnABoard
- Method:
- expectedSteps
- Parameters:
- String[]
- Returns:
- double
- Method signature:
- double expectedSteps(String[] prob)
- (be sure your method is public)
- Your return value must have a relative or an absolute error of less than 1e-9.
- prob will contain between 1 and 21 elements, inclusive.
- Each element of prob will be between 1 and 21 characters long, inclusive.
- The elements of prob will be of the same length.
- Each element of prob will consist of digits only ('0'-'9').
- The total number of cells (i.e., the total number of digits in prob) will be between 1 and 150, inclusive.
- In each row there will be at least one non-zero digit.
- In each column there will be at least one non-zero digit.
{"10", "01"}
Returns: 3.0
Each of the cells (0,0) and (1,1) has probability 1/2 to be chosen in each turn. One of those cells will be colored black in the first turn. Then there will be some additional turns until the other cell is chosen. As that happens with probability 1/2, the expected number of additional turns is 2. Thus the total expected number of turns is 1+2 = 3.
{"11", "11"}
Returns: 3.6666666666666665
This board is symmetric, so we can just assume that the cell (0,0) was chosen in the first turn. Then there will be some additional turns until some other cell is chosen for the first time. The probability of choosing a different cell is 3/4, thus the expected number of these additional turns is 4/3. Now, what is the second cell to be colored black? With probability 1/3 it is the cell (1,1) and we are done. With probability 2/3 it is one of the other two cells. In either of these two cases, we still need to color any one of the other two white cells black, and the expected number of turns until that happens is 2. Thus the answer is 1 + 4/3 + (2/3 * 2) = 11/3.
{"11", "12"}
Returns: 3.9166666666666665
{"0976", "1701", "7119"}
Returns: 11.214334077031307
Returns: 84.45923398680405
Returns: 85.33973947236763
Returns: 76.63127641078452
Returns: 76.64534204640518
Returns: 159.93797686033446
Returns: 134.68459028753597
{"000000000000001000000", "888999988889890999988", "988889988899980889999", "889898998889980999898", "988889999989880899999", "998888998988990989998", "998988999898990889899"}
Returns: 1028.7662876159634
Returns: 1027.7703189300398
Returns: 82.62508700953535
Returns: 67.7478127964156
Returns: 63.09563696287171
Returns: 63.06660717899339
Returns: 210.4824436987288
Returns: 146.15280620343373
Returns: 1012.8820706542815
Returns: 1012.8814737163843
Returns: 58.97033056167796
Returns: 60.921227148773475
Returns: 54.64762379585377
Returns: 54.63609312765075
Returns: 154.02705211155074
Returns: 108.97556219347472
Returns: 1031.36540984649
Returns: 1016.384940071684
Returns: 58.03656072223395
Returns: 56.58048534488787
Returns: 51.15883767982401
Returns: 51.14899885124127
Returns: 125.34574324580612
Returns: 115.74006727442804
Returns: 1074.1312870309466
Returns: 1071.1353347541049
Returns: 48.91383007858037
Returns: 48.36812087582793
Returns: 45.31100672648463
Returns: 45.297131620043416
Returns: 98.59339703960332
Returns: 69.52840991433986
Returns: 1024.9008126562242
Returns: 1023.9018754239484
Returns: 47.88304175701358
Returns: 47.85366900247705
Returns: 44.5898834285838
Returns: 44.584272534496385
Returns: 73.96502870064538
Returns: 84.13411024362
Returns: 1041.8503519267833
Returns: 1028.8604496869295
Returns: 1.0
Returns: 191.6781070582628
Returns: 191.6781070582628
{"000000000000001000000", "888999988889890999988", "988889988899980889999", "889898998889980999898", "988889999989880899999", "998888998988990989998", "998988999898990889899" }
Returns: 1028.7662876159634