
Problem Statement for "Collatz"

Problem Statement

The Collatz Problem asks whether the following function will reach 1 for all positive k if we keep applying it:
      { if k is odd    :   3*k +1 
f(k)= {
      { if k is even   :    k/2
For example, lets say you were given k = 20:
f(20) = 10     First application
f(10) = 5      Second application
f(5)  = 16     Third application
f(16) = 8      Fourth application
f(8)  = 4      Fifth application
f(4)  = 2      Sixth application
f(2)  = 1      Seventh application

So for k = 20 this function required 7 applications of the function to reach 1. Given an int k return the number of applications required to reach 1. Topcoder has ensured that the number of applications will be less than 1000 and that any temporary value will not overflow a 32-bit integer.


Method signature:
int numSteps(int k)
(be sure your method is public)


  • k will be between 2 and 100000 inclusive.
  • The return value will be less than 1000.


  1. 20

    Returns: 7

    The example from above

  2. 13

    Returns: 9

  3. 1000

    Returns: 111

  4. 99999

    Returns: 226

  5. 9999

    Returns: 91

  6. 77031

    Returns: 350

  7. 99999

    Returns: 226

  8. 2

    Returns: 1

    Just a single application required

  9. 5

    Returns: 5

    5*3+1 = 16 16/2 = 8 8/2 = 4 4/2 = 2 2/2 = 1

  10. 734

    Returns: 46

  11. 10992

    Returns: 42

  12. 99999

    Returns: 226

  13. 100000

    Returns: 128

  14. 73742

    Returns: 94

  15. 24533

    Returns: 51

  16. 34555

    Returns: 248

  17. 23456

    Returns: 100

  18. 98765

    Returns: 53

  19. 18283

    Returns: 92

  20. 77671

    Returns: 231

  21. 8

    Returns: 3

  22. 10000

    Returns: 29

  23. 8

    Returns: 3

  24. 10000

    Returns: 29

  25. 8

    Returns: 3

  26. 10000

    Returns: 29

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