Problem Statement
For the purpose of this problem the sky is a plane and each star is a point in the plane. Note that the constraints enforce that all points are distinct and no three points lie on the same line.
The blue giants are always visible. For each valid i, there is a blue star at (blueX[i], blueY[i]).
The red dwarves are sometimes invisible. For each valid i, there is a red star at (redX[i], redY[i]), but this star is only visible with probability (prob[i]/1000). All of those random choices are mutually independent.
Fox Ciel thinks the sky is beautiful if all blue stars are located inside the convex hull of all visible red stars. Return the probability of this event.
- Class:
- BichromeSky
- Method:
- totallyCovered
- Parameters:
- int[], int[], int[], int[], int[]
- Returns:
- double
- Method signature:
- double totallyCovered(int[] redX, int[] redY, int[] prob, int[] blueX, int[] blueY)
- (be sure your method is public)
- The answer will be considered correct if the absolute error or the relative error is at most 1e-9.
- redX will contain between 3 and 100 elements, inclusive.
- redX, redY and prob will contain the same number of elements.
- blueX will contain between 3 and 100 elements, inclusive.
- blueX and blueY will contain the same number of elements.
- Each element in redX, redY, blueX and blueY will be between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000, inclusive.
- Each element in prob will be between 1 and 1000, inclusive.
- Among all points (blue and red), no two points will be at the same position, and no three points will be on the same line.
Returns: 0.12
There are three blue points and up to three red points in the sky. The convex hull of all red points contains all blue points if and only if all three red points appear. The probability of that event is 0.4 * 0.5 * 0.6 = 0.12.
Returns: 0.088
There are 3 cases in which the convex hull of all red points contains all blue points: {A, B, C, D}, {A, C, D}, {B, C, D}. So both C and D must appear, while at least one of {A, B} must appear. The probability is 0.4 * 0.5 * (1 - (1-0.2)*(1-0.3)) = 0.088.
Returns: 0.0
Even if we get all red points, we can't cover the blue one at (123456,-654321).
Returns: 0.6555037822772468
Returns: 0.06
Returns: 0.34037052019900405
Returns: 1.0
Returns: 0.0019750454086125448
Returns: 0.10895520158427913
Returns: 0.9193923023275828
Returns: 0.6980585814095543
Returns: 0.5124612139585677
Returns: 0.45470543739786057
Returns: 0.4360112211580688
Returns: 0.3287379274467518
Returns: 0.44490289439902275
Returns: 0.3504935724876229
Returns: 0.4488291443239559
Returns: 0.4793986902556707
Returns: 0.47958176446176043
Returns: 0.4505660657681509
Returns: 0.43920357870443044
Returns: 0.04662905924748042
Returns: 0.008913002976542475
Returns: 0.04177963068151476
Returns: 0.02650882133169733
Returns: 0.020671295722391597
Returns: 0.021990093377409977
Returns: 0.01884785321682901
Returns: 0.03808380568661636
Returns: 0.03254381686023582
Returns: 0.037017756582605955
Returns: 0.026581403131106893
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 1.7108000000000002E-4
Returns: 6.0858E-5
Returns: 9.268400000000001E-5
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 5.030999999999999E-5
Returns: 2.97E-4
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.633799768859142
Returns: 0.5626689222494591
Returns: 0.5416858967717361
Returns: 0.5840216565831332
Returns: 0.651299559204195
Returns: 0.6052064180422375
Returns: 0.6083993083187729
Returns: 0.5801369709977982
Returns: 0.5184655424408093
Returns: 0.6257684552016769
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 0.0
Returns: 1.50244753158656E-4
Returns: 4.457197499999999E-6