Problem Statement
There is a group of n people. The people are numbered 0 through n-1. Person number 0 is the principal witness. Exactly one of people 1 through n-1 is the killer. In addition to the n people there is a single detective who wants to find the killer.
Whenever the detective talks to a person, he can determine with absolute certainty whether the person is the killer or not. Thus, all he needs to do is to talk to all the people in some order and he will certainly find the killer. However, the time needed to find the killer depends on the order in which the detective talks to the suspects.
During the investigation the detective maintains a list of his suspicion levels: for each person between 0 and n-1, inclusive, the suspicion level of that person is an integer between 0 and 9, inclusive. (The larger the number, the more the detective currently suspects the person.) Initially, the suspicion levels of all n suspects are equal to 0. At the beginning of investigation, the detective will interview the principal witness (person 0) and he will use the information he receives to update his suspicion levels. (The way this works is explained in detail below.)
The investigation then proceeds in rounds. Each round of investigation looks as follows: First, the detective must choose whom to interview next. Then, the detective interviews the chosen person. If that person is the killer, the investigation is over. Otherwise, the detective will receive new information from the witness and he will use it to update his suspicion levels.
When choosing whom to interview next, the detective decides as follows:- He must choose a person he did not interview yet.
- Among those, he must choose a person with the highest suspicion level.
- Among those, he may choose any person.
You are given a
For each k between 1 and n-1, we are now going to solve the following problem: Assume person k is the killer. What is the smallest number of rounds of interviewing (NOT counting the initial interview with person 0) the detective needs to interview in order to find the killer? Let's denote the answer to this question as ans[k]. In other words, ans[k] is the smallest value X such that there is a valid sequence of X people the detective could interview after person 0 (according to the above rules) that ends with person k.
Compute the value ans[k] for each valid k. Return the sum of k*ans[k] over all valid k. (For example, if n=4, return the value 1*ans[1] + 2*ans[2] + 3*ans[3].)
- Class:
- Tdetective
- Method:
- reveal
- Parameters:
- String[]
- Returns:
- int
- Method signature:
- int reveal(String[] s)
- (be sure your method is public)
- s will contain n elements.
- n will be between 2 and 50, inclusive.
- Each element in s will contain exactly n characters.
- Each character in s will be between '0' and '9', inclusive.
- s will be symmetric, so s[i][j] will be equal to s[j][i].
- Diagonal characters are not significant, so s[i][i] will be equal to '0'.
Returns: 3
Nobody knows anything about anybody else. If the killer is person 1, the smallest number of rounds is ans[1]=1: after the initial interview of person 0 there will be a single round in which the detective interviews person 1. If the killer is person 2, the smallest number of rounds is again ans[1]=1: after interviewing person 0 both other people have the same suspicion level, so the detective can also choose person 2 in the first round. The correct return value is 1*1 + 2*1 = 3.
Returns: 10
After the initial interview the detective will always choose person 3 in the first round. If person 3 is not the killer, the detective will receive new information that will increase the suspicion level of person 2. Therefore, in the second round the detective will interview person 2. If person 2 is also not the killer, there will be a third round in which the detective interviews the last remaining person: person 1. Hence, the answers are ans[1]=3, ans[2]=2, and ans[3]=1. Therefore, the correct return value is 1*3 + 2*2 + 3*1 = 10.
Returns: 12
Returns: 170
Returns: 37
Returns: 531
Returns: 308
Returns: 710
Returns: 1
Returns: 55
Returns: 1
Returns: 406
Returns: 10
Returns: 1
Returns: 238
Returns: 84
Returns: 373
Returns: 253
Returns: 1
Returns: 33
Returns: 139
Returns: 74
Returns: 96
Returns: 11
Returns: 1
Returns: 76
Returns: 51
Returns: 145
Returns: 105
Returns: 91
Returns: 337
Returns: 37
Returns: 74
Returns: 209
Returns: 82
Returns: 87
Returns: 3
Returns: 112
Returns: 127
Returns: 130
Returns: 270
Returns: 192
Returns: 3
Returns: 161
Returns: 280
Returns: 1
Returns: 221
Returns: 48
Returns: 138
Returns: 640
Returns: 878
Returns: 239
Returns: 97
Returns: 132
Returns: 58
Returns: 371
Returns: 140
Returns: 54
Returns: 173
Returns: 690
Returns: 20
Returns: 13
Returns: 10
Returns: 8
Returns: 168
Returns: 164
Returns: 226
Returns: 235
Returns: 205
Returns: 170
Returns: 230
Returns: 244
Returns: 151
Returns: 227
Returns: 248
Returns: 200
Returns: 173
Returns: 154
Returns: 244
Returns: 184
Returns: 187
Returns: 200
Returns: 205
Returns: 160
Returns: 198
Returns: 206
Returns: 156
Returns: 374
Returns: 171
Returns: 155
Returns: 154
Returns: 232
Returns: 181
Returns: 198
Returns: 225
Returns: 150
Returns: 237
Returns: 198
Returns: 343
Returns: 425
Returns: 149
Returns: 363
Returns: 217
Returns: 243
Returns: 165
Returns: 1869
Returns: 1959
Returns: 2020
Returns: 1838
Returns: 2228
Returns: 1980
Returns: 1469
Returns: 1464
Returns: 1908
Returns: 1833
Returns: 1523
Returns: 2125
Returns: 1962
Returns: 1870
Returns: 1403
Returns: 1670
Returns: 1622
Returns: 2041
Returns: 2003
Returns: 1825
Returns: 1876
Returns: 2075
Returns: 1839
Returns: 1659
Returns: 1615
Returns: 1577
Returns: 1580
Returns: 1816
Returns: 1726
Returns: 1920
Returns: 1362
Returns: 1865
Returns: 1979
Returns: 1575
Returns: 2101
Returns: 1772
Returns: 1689
Returns: 1953
Returns: 1935
Returns: 1938
Returns: 1715
Returns: 1878
Returns: 1680
Returns: 1979
Returns: 1922
Returns: 1801
Returns: 1798
Returns: 1898
Returns: 1882
Returns: 1943
Returns: 1856
Returns: 1700
Returns: 1660
Returns: 2231
Returns: 1739
Returns: 1450
Returns: 1748
Returns: 1486
Returns: 1619
Returns: 1755