Problem Statement
You are going to take a photo of the night sky. The photo will be a two-dimensional plane. For each i, star i will be a point located at the coordinates (x[i], y[i]).
Once you have the photo, you are going to draw two convex polygons: the convex hull of all red stars, and the convex hull of all blue stars. Note that these may sometimes be degenerate. It is even possible that all stars will have the same color, in which case the other convex hull is empty. Finally, you are going to compute the area of the intersection of those two polygons.
You are given the
- Class:
- BichromeSky2
- Method:
- expectationOfArea
- Parameters:
- int[], int[], int[]
- Returns:
- double
- Method signature:
- double expectationOfArea(int[] x, int[] y, int[] prob)
- (be sure your method is public)
- Your return value must have a relative or absolute error less than 1e-9
- x will contain between 6 and 50 elements, inclusive.
- x, y and prob will contain the same number of elements.
- Each element in x will be between -1,000 and 1,000, inclusive.
- Each element in y will be between -1,000 and 1,000, inclusive.
- Each element in prob will be between 0 and 1,000, inclusive.
- All points will be distinct.
- No three points will lie on the same line.
Returns: 1.0000000000000004
Stars 0, 1, and 2 are guaranteed to be blue. Stars 3, 4, and 5 are guaranteed to be red. The two convex hulls are uniquely determined. Their intersection is the square bounded by the lines x=0, x=1, y=0, and y=1. The area of this square is 1.
Returns: 0.02400000000000005
In this example, stars 3, 4, and 5 are sometimes red and sometimes blue. If there are fewer than three red stars, the convex hull of all red stars will have no area, and therefore the area of the intersection will be 0. Thus, an intersection with a non-empty area only exists if all three of these stars are red. That happens with probability (200/1000) * (300/1000) * (400/1000) = 0.024. In that case the area of the intersection is 1. (This is the case shown in Example 0). Thus, the expected area of the intersection is 0.024 * 1 = 0.024.
Returns: 0.06250000000000008
Returns: 2.4451606306816163
{302,890,-174,311,-84,903,-639,-793,-59,-766,-909,671,826,-117,-989,-616,-170,922,895,71,209,-551,-923,498,909, 851,636,-120,374,-207,-320,88,-668,-451,-117,-842,-370,824,674,-763,7,163,-229,-525,366,-358,706,1000,-547,403}
{-532,606,848,197,-378,-66,512,-189,226,125,-924,851,-837,-315,41,-828,-743,695,864,-504,671,731,256,-48,432,378, 813,130,-298,752,-482,497,57,826,612,-855,-347,232,-909,487,-456,59,846,112,-471,816,687,657,542,115}
{453,921,58,99,461,444,722,972,763,981,18,557,919,153,330,708,254,910,370,686,407,528,668,205,777,184,156,175,553, 292,984,317,580,665,114,378,705,59,17,928,552,414,801,466,575,341,161,673,119,302}
Returns: 2463608.2458090265
Returns: 2422645.303147983
Returns: 2144781.6676326566
Returns: 2531874.670286931
Returns: 2337462.794578877
Returns: 2492622.0979680116
Returns: 2081804.5487837524
Returns: 2345447.533451314
Returns: 1992088.4680645978
Returns: 2075504.5672716657
Returns: 2433515.011303487
Returns: 1068.3399119958071
Returns: 1019.4779359566988
Returns: 967.9927290714528
Returns: 1096.2308938974654
Returns: 1103.7909004855594
Returns: 664.780196002931
Returns: 789.1878941017331
Returns: 704.8022327063233
Returns: 806.2020942574022
Returns: 733.8661494830176
Returns: 0.048973077965289255
Returns: 0.05540807653783439
Returns: 0.10565460504893781
Returns: 0.028252099937422753
Returns: 0.02513015881218001
Returns: 0.04346418248074099
Returns: 0.07403789128677467
Returns: 0.3763829604104654
Returns: 0.07870662748708872
Returns: 0.5976127117486217
Returns: 11997.765256879906
Returns: 5009.465411569314
Returns: 6864.761246368126
Returns: 1464.3312303367352
Returns: 7020.138163415794
Returns: 15225.316976785836
Returns: 10214.06112073309
Returns: 10307.236340476695
Returns: 9630.958946346029
Returns: 10779.966110875981