
Problem Statement for "RedAndBluePoints"

Problem Statement

Fox Ciel likes blue points and hates red points.
There are some blue points and some red points in a two-dimensional plane. Ciel wants to draw a convex polygon. The polygon must not contain any red points. On the other hand, it should contain as many blue points as possible. A point on the boundary of a polygon counts as being contained in the polygon. The polygon is allowed to be degenerated: a point and a single line segment do also count as polygons.
You are given four int[]s: blueX, blueY, redX and redY. For each valid i, there is a blue point with coordinates blueX[i] and blueY[i]. The red points are described in the same way by redX and redY.
Return the largest number of blue points a valid polygon may contain.


int[], int[], int[], int[]
Method signature:
int find(int[] blueX, int[] blueY, int[] redX, int[] redY)
(be sure your method is public)


  • Both blueX and blueY will contain B elements.
  • Both redX and redY will contain R elements.
  • Both B and R will be between 1 and 50.
  • Each element of blueX, blueY, redX and redY will be between 0 and 1000.
  • No two points will be in the same exact position.
  • No three points will lie on the same line.


  1. {0,0,10,10}




    Returns: 4

    There's a square of blue points, and the only red point is outside the square, so the answer is 4.

  2. {0,0,10,10}




    Returns: 3

    In this case, we have one red point inside the square so we can't use the four blue points, we're only allowed to use 3 of them, that may be for example (0,10), (10,0) and (10,10) to form a triangle.

  3. {0,0,10,10}




    Returns: 2

  4. {0}




    Returns: 1

  5. {5, 6, 6}

    {9, 0, 5}



    Returns: 3

  6. {10,20,30}




    Returns: 3

  7. {0, 3, 3}

    {9, 0, 7}



    Returns: 3

  8. {0, 4, 0, 6}

    {1, 6, 6, 8}



    Returns: 4

  9. {4, 6, 9, 7, 8}

    {0, 5, 4, 8, 8}



    Returns: 5

  10. {971,966,403,780}




    Returns: 4

  11. {659,606,755,850,56,394,780,822,68,493,603,647,529}




    Returns: 12

  12. {304,42}




    Returns: 2

  13. {962,297,10,529,933,766,480,709,545,124,806,561,478,523}




    Returns: 10

  14. {604,404,206,291,245,547,935,546,887,987,316}




    Returns: 7

  15. {581,890,230,539,915,962,612,897,27,204,442,566,508,246,509,737,593,996,888}




    Returns: 15

  16. {665,216,788,709,269,753,953,578,548,102,256,689,737,350,342}




    Returns: 8

  17. {20,271,883,503}




    Returns: 4

  18. {749,519,763,52,262,3,990,4,670,248,969}




    Returns: 6

  19. {696}




    Returns: 1

  20. {70,981,162,948,271,287,731,567}




    Returns: 6

  21. {612,457,123,112}




    Returns: 3

  22. {815,903,927,148,71,239,738,523,815,257,760,891,237,754,902,582,913,640}




    Returns: 6

  23. {983,58,739,76,488,106,629,473,111}




    Returns: 8

  24. {932,69,231}




    Returns: 2

  25. {109,317,611,190,455,706,318,913}




    Returns: 6

  26. {567,18,462,338,446,898}




    Returns: 5

  27. {799,573,890,340,907,957}




    Returns: 4

  28. {541,970,810,83,396,909,791,874,536,662,431,110,274,901,38,167}




    Returns: 7

  29. {608,758,88}




    Returns: 2

  30. {658,960,635,870,625,161,780,473,669,938,602,63,454,772,140,150,137,972}




    Returns: 8

  31. {331,735,539,720,258,378,576,318,561}




    Returns: 6

  32. {472,670,285,233,97,57,790,395,843,552,34,588,339,816,8,409,193,853,338,645,489,323,245,592,805,729,3,111,955,86,940,63,154,366,984,678,897}




    Returns: 14

  33. {979,191,226,637,456,792,664,906,866,509,733,135}




    Returns: 7

  34. {291,469,468,164,96,135,44,505,331,504,745,987,762,413,162,77,551,622,474,867,180,175,566,132,94,328,234,267,246,760,949,512,806,551,919,594,256,1,333}




    Returns: 31

  35. {467,873,889,149,725,142,473,326,661,307,391,92,89,30,625,604,671,547,740,875,277,107,336,124,717,521,10,275,396,474,922,48,6,470,97,31,646,209,680,385,185,277,835,395,207,658,774,239,68,439}




    Returns: 11

  36. {476,995,862,817,529,480,976,655,306,877,819,680,573,286,984,637,356,353,696,207,612,776,796,173,658,768,55,886,131,945,556,274,737,596,358,303,262,209,808,243,638,191,13,675,338,69,320,406,988,206}




    Returns: 14

  37. {194,446,210,944,756,141,632,435,82,123,492,16,911,969,334,376,322,232,494,741,491,277,639,452,264,204,202,501,593,340,381,968,397,448,263,154,9,508,393,409,469,890,390,113,691,40,936,434,809,639}




    Returns: 22

  38. {0, 0, 10, 10 }

    {0, 10, 0, 10 }

    {3 }

    {4 }

    Returns: 3

  39. {0 }

    {0 }

    {1 }

    {1 }

    Returns: 1

  40. {6, 0, 5, 10 }

    {0, 10, 5, 10 }

    {5 }

    {6 }

    Returns: 3

  41. {0, 100, 100, 0, 50 }

    {0, 0, 100, 100, 2 }

    {50 }

    {1 }

    Returns: 4

  42. {0, 1 }

    {0, 0 }

    {1 }

    {1 }

    Returns: 2

  43. {42, 170, 963, 282, 996, 392, 293, 719, 772, 668, 704, 674, 254, 663, 724, 317, 289, 265, 891, 7, 630, 757, 932, 627, 119, 834, 705, 674, 925, 778, 987, 356, 32, 942, 108, 458, 946, 222, 507, 901, 411, 549, 603, 375, 349, 282, 419, 128, 311, 310 }

    {468, 725, 465, 828, 943, 605, 383, 896, 539, 300, 812, 665, 869, 758, 742, 36, 107, 649, 730, 102, 624, 841, 309, 324, 83, 116, 931, 387, 73, 574, 291, 768, 53, 725, 192, 288, 910, 589, 31, 592, 360, 484, 351, 21, 200, 735, 939, 468, 618, 617 }

    {335, 479, 706, 962, 828, 903, 422, 448, 870, 36, 323, 142, 548, 38, 530, 191, 41, 447, 371, 394, 85, 967, 945, 538, 930, 640, 978, 22, 271, 98, 162, 656, 351, 967, 8, 754, 210, 423, 414, 763, 625, 596, 292, 597, 669, 54, 901, 729, 814, 936 }

    {501, 359, 146, 492, 437, 154, 717, 727, 913, 895, 334, 712, 645, 860, 779, 843, 943, 806, 351, 549, 955, 377, 440, 539, 542, 659, 307, 746, 830, 513, 637, 575, 151, 431, 338, 384, 759, 947, 169, 656, 538, 42, 837, 22, 485, 1000, 789, 894, 515, 452 }

    Returns: 14

  44. {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625, 676, 729, 784, 841 }

    {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 }

    {1000 }

    {999 }

    Returns: 30

  45. {383, 886, 777, 915, 793, 335, 386, 492, 649, 421, 362, 27, 690, 59, 763, 926, 540, 426, 172, 736, 211, 368, 567, 429, 782, 530, 862, 123, 67, 135, 929, 802, 22, 58, 69, 167, 393, 456, 11, 42, 229, 373, 421, 919, 784, 537, 198, 324, 315, 370 }

    {413, 526, 91, 980, 956, 873, 862, 170, 996, 281, 305, 925, 84, 327, 336, 505, 846, 729, 313, 857, 124, 895, 582, 545, 814, 367, 434, 364, 43, 750, 87, 808, 276, 178, 788, 584, 403, 651, 754, 399, 932, 60, 676, 368, 739, 12, 226, 586, 94, 539 }

    {795, 570, 434, 378, 467, 601, 97, 902, 317, 492, 652, 756, 301, 280, 286, 441, 865, 689, 444, 619 }

    {440, 729, 31, 117, 97, 771, 481, 675, 709, 927, 567, 856, 497, 353, 586, 965, 306, 683, 219, 624 }

    Returns: 20

  46. {0, 100, 0, 1 }

    {0, 0, 100, 1 }

    {2 }

    {3 }

    Returns: 3

  47. {0, 6, 3, 3 }

    {0, 0, 3, 6 }

    {4 }

    {1 }

    Returns: 3

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