
Problem Statement for "NonDeterministicSubstring"

Problem Statement

You are given two Strings: A and B. Each character in A is either '0' or '1'. Each character in B is '0', '1', or '?'.

A string C matches B if we can change B into C by changing each '?' in B either to '0' or to '1'. Different occurrences of '?' may be changed to different digits. For example, C = "0101" matches B = "01??". Note that each character in C must be either '0' or '1', there cannot be any '?' remaining.

Consider all possible strings that match B. How many of these strings occur as a (contiguous) substring in A? Compute and return their number. Note that we only count each good string once, even if it has multiple occurrences in A.


String, String
Method signature:
long ways(String A, String B)
(be sure your method is public)


  • A will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
  • B will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
  • Each character in A will be '0' or '1'.
  • Each character in B will be '0', '1' or '?'.


  1. "00010001"


    Returns: 3

    There are four strings that match B: the strings "00", "01", "10", and "11". Out of these, the string "11" does not occur in A as a substring. The other three do occur, hence the answer is 3.

  2. "00000000"


    Returns: 1

    There are 16 different strings that match B, but out of those only the string "000000" is a substring of A.

  3. "001010101100010111010"


    Returns: 8

    Each of the 8 strings that match B occurs somewhere in A.

  4. "00101"


    Returns: 0

    Here, the length of B is greater than the length of A. Clearly, a string that matches this B cannot be a substring of this A.

  5. "1101010101111010101011111111110001010101"


    Returns: 6

  6. "1100011000010000001011000010101110110"


    Returns: 0

  7. "0010111100001001111111010101001000"


    Returns: 0

  8. "01001001111011101100010010111111001111111110101110"


    Returns: 2

  9. "1110110111001001110001001101000011011111101100001"


    Returns: 1

  10. "101101101010100101100100011111001100111010110"


    Returns: 0

  11. "00100011100011000110111010011011011000001"


    Returns: 0

  12. "0100000010111001010101"


    Returns: 0

  13. "11001111000001"


    Returns: 0

  14. "1000001011111000000111101001101001111"


    Returns: 0

  15. "1111011111001010001111101000100111011110101011010"


    Returns: 0

  16. "11111110011100000110000101111010001110100110"


    Returns: 3

  17. "1111011000"


    Returns: 0

  18. "1010011100001000101101010101"


    Returns: 2

  19. "11100000110110100000111100111100011110011101010101"


    Returns: 1

  20. "111101011101010110000000110101100111110"


    Returns: 0

  21. "111100001111000110001"


    Returns: 0

  22. "11010000111100001011100111101011000001111100010001"


    Returns: 16

  23. "01110000110001110001101111000011"


    Returns: 0

  24. "1110011111100010011101101100010000101111110"


    Returns: 0

  25. "11000000001101100010000101000100011111000010000"


    Returns: 2

  26. "1011111111110111101000001110101011100000010"


    Returns: 18

  27. "001111010111011011100000101111111110"


    Returns: 0

  28. "00111011111110110011010101110111001011110001101110"


    Returns: 12

  29. "110011011001011111110100011101100"


    Returns: 0

  30. "0010010011000001000000011001111000111000111"


    Returns: 1

  31. "000010011110111000"


    Returns: 3

  32. "110101111101010000010100111110111010100"


    Returns: 0

  33. "110101111110000001010100101011111"


    Returns: 2

  34. "011100101001010110010001011000011101"


    Returns: 1

  35. "0011100011011000101010000101011010"


    Returns: 2

  36. "00000000100"


    Returns: 3

  37. "0011001000100"


    Returns: 6

  38. "000000000100001000000001000011000000000010000"


    Returns: 15

  39. "0100010000000000"


    Returns: 7

  40. "000000000000000000000100000000000010"


    Returns: 2

  41. "0000100000001000000010010001000000100000000"


    Returns: 1

  42. "000000000100010000010001000100"


    Returns: 16

  43. "00001000"


    Returns: 3

  44. "000000010000000000000"


    Returns: 6

  45. "000010000000000000001"


    Returns: 7

  46. "011"


    Returns: 0

  47. "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"


    Returns: 1

  48. "10"


    Returns: 0

  49. "0"


    Returns: 0

  50. "10101"


    Returns: 1

  51. "0101010101010111100101010"


    Returns: 4

  52. "100"


    Returns: 0

  53. "1111"


    Returns: 0

  54. "0001"


    Returns: 1

  55. "0"


    Returns: 1

  56. "000"


    Returns: 0

  57. "11111"


    Returns: 1

  58. "10101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010"


    Returns: 1

  59. "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"


    Returns: 1

  60. "01"


    Returns: 1

  61. "00010001"


    Returns: 1

  62. "01"


    Returns: 1

  63. "00"


    Returns: 1

  64. "011110"


    Returns: 1

  65. "11"


    Returns: 0

  66. "00"


    Returns: 0

  67. "0000000"


    Returns: 1

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