
Problem Statement for "Sunnygraphs"

Problem Statement

Hero has just constructed a very specific graph. He started with n isolated vertices, labeled 0 through n-1. For each vertex i Hero then chose a vertex a[i] (other than i) and he added an edge that connected i and a[i]. This way he created a graph with n vertices and n edges. Note that if a[x]=y and a[y]=x, the vertices x and y were connected by two different edges. Hero now wants to perform the following procedure:
  1. Add a new isolated vertex number n.
  2. Choose a subset M of the original vertices.
  3. For each x in M, erase an edge between vertices x and a[x].
  4. For each x in M, add a new edge between vertices x and n.
Hero's goal is to create a final graph in which the vertices 0 and 1 are in the same connected component. (I.e., there is a path from one of them to the other.) In step 2 of the above procedure Hero has 2^n possible subsets to choose from. A choice of M is good if it produces a graph with the desired property. Count how many of the 2^n possibilities are good choices. Return that count as a long.


Method signature:
long count(int[] a)
(be sure your method is public)


  • a will contain n elements.
  • n will be between 2 and 50, inclusive.
  • Each element in a will be between 0 and n - 1, inclusive.
  • For each i between 0 and n - 1 holds a[i] != i.


  1. {1,0}

    Returns: 4

    The original graph contained the vertices 0 and 1. This pair of vertices was connected by two edges. Next, Hero added a new vertex 2. Then he had to choose one of four possible subsets M: If he chose M = {}, the resulting graph contained the edges 0-1 and 0-1. The vertices 0 and 1 were connected. If he chose M = {0}, the resulting graph contained the edges 0-1 and 0-2. The vertices 0 and 1 were connected. If he chose M = {1}, the resulting graph contained the edges 0-1 and 1-2. The vertices 0 and 1 were connected. Finally, if he chose M = {0, 1}, the resulting graph contained the edges 0-2 and 1-2. And again, the vertices 0 and 1 were connected: there is a path 0-1-2. As all four choices of M are good, the correct answer is 4.

  2. {2,2,0}

    Returns: 7

    Here, the original graph contained the edges 0-2, 0-2, and 1-2. For this graph M = {1} is not a good choice. This choice produces a graph with edges 0-2, 0-2, and 1-3. In this graph the vertices 0 and 1 are not in the same connected component. The other seven possible choices of M are all good.

  3. {2,3,0,1}

    Returns: 9

  4. {2,2,3,4,3}

    Returns: 30

  5. {29,34,40,17,16,12,0,40,20,35,5,13,27,7,29,13,14,39,42,9,30,38,27,40,34,33,42,20,29,42,12,29,30,21,4,5,7,25,24,17,39,32,9}

    Returns: 8787503087616

    Watch out for integer overflow.

  6. {6,11,27,33,0,13,2,22,15,11,7,19,17,23,30,8,9,22,6,16,16,30,0,20,4,8,5,12,31,26,16,12,25,15,12}

    Returns: 33025949696

  7. {23,24,4,6,20,16,26,11,28,24,9,26,13,17,28,8,12,9,11,3,5,19,18,24,0,27,30,23,6,11,5}

    Returns: 2013265920

  8. {16,6,21,17,21,9,0,10,18,17,12,24,23,15,22,23,4,14,22,21,4,22,24,3,23}

    Returns: 33529856

  9. {12,7,12,25,8,20,9,9,25,21,13,22,21,6,5,13,18,0,16,12,5,10,9,24,12,23}

    Returns: 66322432

  10. {11,9,16,14,3,4,14,12,4,5,4,15,4,4,9,14,5}

    Returns: 129024

  11. {18,18,20,28,7,27,8,13,40,3,7,21,30,17,13,34,29,16,15,11,0,9,39,36,38,23,24,8,4,9,29,22,35,5,13,23,3,27,34,23,8}

    Returns: 2198754820096

  12. {3,3,0,11,8,11,14,8,4,7,12,12,13,7,8,14}

    Returns: 65280

  13. {5,2,11,12,12,4,3,2,6,8,3,0,2}

    Returns: 8128

  14. {1,0}

    Returns: 4

  15. {7,10,14,2,13,8,4,3,11,1,1,0,4,1,7}

    Returns: 23808

  16. {27,30,16,23,5,25,9,24,3,24,11,14,2,24,25,23,4,11,5,25,15,15,31,15,12,19,12,17,4,15,24,26}

    Returns: 4257480704

  17. {9,2,0,43,12,14,39,25,24,3,16,17,22,0,6,21,18,29,34,35,23,43,28,28,20,11,5,12,31,24,8,13,17,10,15,9,15,26,4,13,21,27,36,39}

    Returns: 17386027614208

  18. {1,0,0,2,1}

    Returns: 32

  19. {3,2,1,2,2,6,0}

    Returns: 104

  20. {27,14,25,17,18,1,20,19,29,8,22,29,24,16,7,25,23,0,0,6,5,14,15,6,12,4,1,29,5,22}

    Returns: 1061191680

  21. {15,19,18,22,6,10,15,0,10,19,15,6,7,22,7,3,10,1,8,15,13,5,20}

    Returns: 8257536

  22. {7,13,5,13,12,10,8,12,9,12,1,1,8,9}

    Returns: 15616

  23. {11,16,15,0,0,11,5,6,12,14,7,8,3,16,0,14,2}

    Returns: 127104

  24. {16,2,37,12,22,17,4,33,20,25,31,30,16,15,1,38,34,35,21,2,31,39,27,0,4,4,3,16,15,5,12,4,13,26,39,11,38,25,6,26}

    Returns: 1090921693184

  25. {3,3,3,4,0,0,10,4,12,3,13,13,11,14,2}

    Returns: 30720

  26. {44,44,19,44,19,38,5,36,1,46,48,13,47,5,0,42,7,47,40,13,48,45,20,41,7,48,2,12,12,33,24,13,12,7,0,19,4,24,22,7,37,12,32,42,45,30,13,9,39}

    Returns: 562941363486720

  27. {3,2,7,0,7,7,7,0}

    Returns: 200

  28. {7,32,5,21,31,4,24,31,21,2,0,6,30,12,17,1,4,19,15,32,15,19,19,0,3,10,15,30,10,15,21,15,19}

    Returns: 7583301632

  29. {23,8,27,32,34,37,21,4,10,3,25,20,38,14,18,4,36,4,20,18,8,27,39,27,4,12,38,35,38,28,27,35,36,35,21,37,17,31,17,26}

    Returns: 1082298204160

  30. {10,27,22,2,5,29,11,0,28,5,30,27,9,10,25,3,24,21,10,24,8,5,29,2,15,4,1,3,19,15,28}

    Returns: 2130182144

  31. {37,29,36,1,27,27,21,9,0,13,14,1,37,15,3,13,32,24,1,32,39,30,28,27,4,35,40,18,10,7,7,4,23,21,23,26,3,10,11,9,0}

    Returns: 2165737259008

  32. {10,13,9,12,9,7,2,9,11,13,5,4,8,12}

    Returns: 16256

  33. {3,13,1,17,17,27,26,11,23,21,14,7,14,26,20,14,3,18,25,20,22,6,16,0,18,10,17,4}

    Returns: 268173312

  34. {3,4,3,4,3}

    Returns: 28

  35. {33,29,15,28,9,2,16,20,20,24,8,17,19,34,20,16,18,20,19,21,37,12,24,31,4,7,16,8,20,22,26,16,36,15,8,11,25,13}

    Returns: 269525975040

  36. {3,19,17,6,20,15,18,6,11,5,15,1,9,16,4,20,4,2,15,13,2}

    Returns: 2081280

  37. {3,25,32,20,33,9,31,6,1,13,4,30,32,31,18,2,25,21,6,33,11,16,33,2,27,9,14,21,6,31,0,28,22,0}

    Returns: 16512974848

  38. {18,28,21,24,12,8,10,1,22,7,2,28,4,8,8,25,13,5,4,24,24,10,2,26,19,1,4,3,8}

    Returns: 499384320

  39. {29,22,9,25,36,34,21,2,12,26,11,39,25,38,3,0,11,19,3,9,37,8,8,45,17,26,21,2,34,48,26,21,42,28,25,23,13,27,21,25,21,10,12,3,8,48,39,27,39}

    Returns: 558002151096320

  40. {4,2,3,2,5,0}

    Returns: 49

  41. {31,24,31,16,13,7,31,29,16,26,6,29,19,15,25,12,10,9,5,16,7,12,28,5,28,6,22,4,29,15,14,33,17,6}

    Returns: 16106127360

  42. {25,25,4,0,23,9,18,11,5,16,24,17,3,4,25,21,5,1,16,16,1,16,12,6,14,15}

    Returns: 66584576

  43. {3,3,0,1}

    Returns: 14

  44. {7,6,1,4,5,1,2,8,3}

    Returns: 449

  45. {3,3,5,2,2,1}

    Returns: 62

  46. {16,32,24,13,25,27,14,8,32,13,31,1,23,17,0,17,33,18,5,5,5,4,32,29,33,21,22,23,0,9,4,26,7,10}

    Returns: 16106127360

  47. {8,8,7,6,2,2,10,12,13,2,12,3,5,12,5,3}

    Returns: 65024

  48. {16,0,10,12,19,15,2,15,16,13,2,1,4,3,8,14,9,5,10,13,16,20,16,3,10}

    Returns: 33488896

  49. {5,12,14,8,18,19,17,36,11,30,19,12,21,23,16,7,15,14,13,12,8,26,18,24,4,26,30,36,18,21,36,20,39,29,3,34,7,30,30,31}

    Returns: 1090921693184

  50. {38,21,23,29,41,12,0,19,40,5,7,24,23,11,33,9,5,34,35,36,5,24,28,17,3,23,0,0,16,14,35,14,30,41,0,21,3,16,26,35,23,1}

    Returns: 3833258311680

  51. {3,0,0,0}

    Returns: 14

  52. {1,4,0,6,7,4,2,6,6}

    Returns: 512

  53. {1,3,3,0}

    Returns: 16

  54. {5,4,4,4,2,10,0,4,2,1,2}

    Returns: 1792

  55. {12,4,12,4,6,8,3,13,11,5,6,12,14,3,15,1,12,7,8,9}

    Returns: 987136

  56. {23,10,37,7,27,16,3,32,31,48,3,31,14,29,6,17,23,6,7,29,24,16,47,32,48,17,27,8,45,38,42,37,7,12,18,28,44,30,37,46,30,2,39,3,41,21,34,26,44,15}

    Returns: 1037938976620544

  57. {3,5,12,1,22,13,10,15,21,17,17,6,4,21,0,11,22,2,7,21,9,5,3}

    Returns: 7995392

  58. {22,45,10,35,38,7,7,12,14,44,29,18,46,34,28,33,31,4,6,24,10,8,29,13,30,40,25,4,11,2,22,37,27,42,16,9,7,31,10,13,38,25,15,2,34,1,45,2}

    Returns: 204509162766336

  59. {22,42,21,47,20,23,22,1,43,29,11,2,42,9,8,34,32,0,20,1,32,46,7,34,31,29,4,14,32,24,41,44,2,32,36,31,8,31,8,0,41,11,1,31,9,48,20,36,24}

    Returns: 439804651110400

  60. {15,12,13,11,2,0,0,11,5,14,6,7,0,10,5,17,7,5,12}

    Returns: 499712

  61. {28,37,36,30,39,40,42,40,34,40,40,36,27,25,4,23,24,11,7,28,33,0,32,11,1,35,12,33,44,33,29,24,29,9,27,30,8,22,45,42,8,25,27,21,14,42}

    Returns: 70326331375616

  62. {19,14,17,8,3,1,17,1,11,5,14,19,19,3,13,0,17,15,15,6}

    Returns: 1016320

  63. {32,23,4,4,25,14,30,25,18,13,31,6,9,29,31,24,36,18,26,7,2,1,6,3,5,33,7,14,16,33,19,12,13,36,0,16,11}

    Returns: 137376038912

  64. {34,8,15,31,13,2,28,11,26,24,6,17,37,29,36,34,31,29,32,26,13,11,15,29,17,0,12,36,31,7,26,2,35,23,40,20,17,25,25,33,21}

    Returns: 2190567538688

  65. {24,32,25,48,10,30,13,45,44,0,42,37,29,21,20,28,11,39,7,49,47,16,27,46,31,17,33,6,2,5,36,19,18,3,41,15,8,34,43,38,22,14,12,4,26,35,9,23,40,1}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  66. {1,2,0,2,3,3,2,6,6,2,3,4,2,4,7,0,7,3,7,9,1,6,5,16,9,18,1,17,8,26,2,7,8,13,11,30,21,5,20,37,35,1,13,3,20,32,17,1,44,23}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  67. {1,0,0,2,3,4,5,6,0,2,0,5,9,3,11,3,2,2,10,4,18,20,3,14,21,14,13,18,21,24,28,28,13,26,10,11,19,29,15,38,0,15,26,4,5,10,35,35,40,1}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  68. {9,10,15,16,11,2,7,3,12,8,13,5,6,0,4,1,14,10,15,8,8,1,13,15,12,2,7,24,21,21,9,5,27,13,15,0,25,12,4,3,33,15,3,37,42,2,16,18,42,13}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  69. {10,9,3,5,0,6,7,11,12,13,8,4,15,14,2,1,15,9,4,11,5,14,21,5,1,24,17,0,22,23,0,11,13,20,17,26,13,20,5,31,34,38,7,40,39,30,43,40,17,26}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  70. {1,0,0,1,1,0,2,5,4,4,6,0,4,6,5,0,6,0,7,7,1,3,15,22,13,10,18,22,19,28,24,21,29,3,11,25,3,27,9,18,12,10,16,16,0,31,36,35,6,8}

    Returns: 1125899906842624

  71. {1, 0 }

    Returns: 4

  72. {2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8 }

    Returns: 576

  73. {2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 4 }

    Returns: 36

  74. {9, 3, 8, 0, 2, 4, 8, 3, 9, 0 }

    Returns: 832

  75. {2, 7, 5, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 9, 8 }

    Returns: 992

  76. {2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 }

    Returns: 116

  77. {2, 21, 4, 11, 42, 10, 15, 37, 39, 4, 45, 45, 34, 26, 30, 18, 35, 33, 6, 12, 41, 49, 11, 37, 34, 14, 9, 38, 6, 44, 17, 17, 47, 42, 4, 40, 13, 8, 46, 9, 27, 31, 36, 8, 10, 43, 30, 45, 16, 30 }

    Returns: 1121364421378048

  78. {4, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1 }

    Returns: 36

  79. {2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6 }

    Returns: 196

  80. {9, 6, 6, 8, 7, 3, 4, 8, 2, 8 }

    Returns: 1008

  81. {27, 15, 16, 8, 0, 15, 38, 3, 26, 20, 22, 0, 43, 34, 5, 48, 42, 35, 46, 11, 8, 28, 36, 11, 11, 19, 36, 28, 35, 46, 35, 6, 42, 17, 39, 11, 7, 38, 15, 43, 28, 45, 35, 8, 1, 5, 38, 23, 21, 23 }

    Returns: 1092914558009344

  82. {1, 0, 1, 1 }

    Returns: 16

  83. {6, 3, 4, 6, 5, 11, 11, 11, 0, 0, 7, 4, 2, 0 }

    Returns: 15872

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