Problem Statement
This problem is about strings that consist of left and right parentheses only: '(' and ')'.
Informally, a string is called balanced if each left parenthesis has a matching right parenthesis, as in a mathematical expression.
- The empty string is a balanced string.
- If S is a balanced string, then '(' + S + ')' is a balanced string.
- If S and T are balanced strings, so is S + T.
- No other strings are balanced.
For example, strings "()", "(())", and "(()())()" are balanced while "(", ")(", and "(()))" are not.
The beauty of a string S is the number of non-empty contiguous substrings of S that are balanced. Two substrings are considered distinct if they begin and/or end at different positions in S.
Example: The beauty of the string "()(())" is 4, as shown below.
string: ()(()) balanced substrings: ().... ..(()) ...(). ()(())
You are given a
- Class:
- MaximumBalances
- Method:
- solve
- Parameters:
- String
- Returns:
- int
- Method signature:
- int solve(String s)
- (be sure your method is public)
- s will contain between 1 and 2,500 characters, inclusive.
- Each character of s will be '(' or ')'.
Returns: 0
This is the only string we can produce: rearranging four left parentheses doesn't change anything. The beauty of this string is zero: there are no non-empty balanced substrings.
Returns: 3
We can rearrange these parentheses in several different ways, for example, "))((", "())(", "(())", or "()()". Among all the options the most beautiful one is the string "()()" with beauty 3.
Returns: 1
The input string is one of the most beautiful strings. There are also other strings with the same beauty: 1.
Returns: 10
Returns: 0
Returns: 0
Returns: 683865
Returns: 465130
Returns: 35778
Returns: 118828
Returns: 0
Returns: 287661
Returns: 0
Returns: 464166
Returns: 0
Returns: 25651
Returns: 281625
Returns: 266815
Returns: 0
Returns: 753378
Returns: 757065
Returns: 526851
Returns: 0
Returns: 0
Returns: 736291
Returns: 0
Returns: 23871
Returns: 0
Returns: 478731
Returns: 122265
Returns: 27730
Returns: 0
Returns: 471906
Returns: 0
Returns: 303031
Returns: 263901
Returns: 33670
Returns: 0
Returns: 735078
Returns: 283128
Returns: 256686
Returns: 431985
Returns: 33153
Returns: 430128
Returns: 35245
Returns: 269011
Returns: 111628
Returns: 0
Returns: 30876
Returns: 491536
Returns: 481671
Returns: 286903
Returns: 29403
Returns: 706266
Returns: 0
Returns: 481671
Returns: 25200
Returns: 24976
Returns: 715806
Returns: 114481
Returns: 117370
Returns: 128271
Returns: 35245
Returns: 457446
Returns: 113050
Returns: 29403
Returns: 3
Returns: 78
Returns: 1
Returns: 306936
Returns: 91
Returns: 781875
Returns: 6