
Problem Statement for "QuangAndNam"

Problem Statement

Quang and Nam are playing a game.

Nam has N stones.

Quang has secretly chosen two integers L and R such that 1 <= L <= R <= N. The integers between L and R, inclusive, are called good. All other integers are called bad.

Nam's task is to determine the values L and R.

Nam can ask Quang an abitrary number of questions. For each question, Nam will partition all N stones into one or more non-empty piles. He will then show the partition to Quang and ask: "Are all these pile sizes good?" Quang will always truthfully answer "yes" or "no".

Nam is very smart, so he can deduce all information contained in Quang's answers. On the other hand, he does not want to guess, so he will only announce the pair (L, R) if he is 100% sure what the two numbers are.

Given N, count all admissible pairs (L, R) such that Nam can win the game.


Method signature:
long count(int N)
(be sure your method is public)


  • N will be between 1 and 10^6, inclusive.


  1. 2

    Returns: 3

    For N = 2 there are 3 possible pairs (L, R) Quang can choose: (1, 1), (1, 2) and (2, 2). Nam can play the game as follows: Partition the stones into two piles, each containing a single stone. Show the configuration to Quang. If he gets the answer "no", he can deduce that L = R = 2, and he wins the game. Leave both stones on the same pile. Show the configuration to Quang. If he gets the answer "yes" in both cases, Quang chose L = 1 and R = 2. If the second answer was "no", we must have L = R = 1. Thus, for N = 2 Nam can always win the game.

  2. 3

    Returns: 4

    Nam can only win the game if the pair (L, R) chosen by Quang is one of the pairs (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3) and (2, 2). If Quang chooses one of the pairs (2, 3) or (3, 3), Nam will not be able to win the game. In both situations, Nam will get the answer "yes" if he shows Quang all three stones on the same pile, and the answer "no" for all other partitions of stones. In more detail, suppose (L, R) = (2, 3) and Nam produces the partition with two stones on one pile and one stone on the other pile. When Quang looks at this partition, he sees pile sizes 2 and 1. The number 2 is good, but the number 1 is bad. Hence, the correct answer to the question "Are all these pile sizes good?" is "no".

  3. 10

    Returns: 23

  4. 1

    Returns: 1

  5. 4

    Returns: 6

  6. 5

    Returns: 6

  7. 6

    Returns: 10

  8. 7

    Returns: 11

  9. 8

    Returns: 15

  10. 9

    Returns: 17

  11. 11

    Returns: 25

  12. 12

    Returns: 33

  13. 13

    Returns: 34

  14. 14

    Returns: 42

  15. 15

    Returns: 47

  16. 16

    Returns: 53

  17. 17

    Returns: 58

  18. 18

    Returns: 70

  19. 19

    Returns: 73

  20. 20

    Returns: 83

  21. 21

    Returns: 91

  22. 22

    Returns: 101

  23. 23

    Returns: 105

  24. 24

    Returns: 121

  25. 25

    Returns: 124

  26. 26

    Returns: 138

  27. 27

    Returns: 150

  28. 28

    Returns: 161

  29. 29

    Returns: 166

  30. 30

    Returns: 189

  31. 31

    Returns: 194

  32. 32

    Returns: 208

  33. 33

    Returns: 222

  34. 34

    Returns: 235

  35. 35

    Returns: 246

  36. 36

    Returns: 269

  37. 37

    Returns: 275

  38. 38

    Returns: 293

  39. 39

    Returns: 309

  40. 40

    Returns: 327

  41. 41

    Returns: 335

  42. 42

    Returns: 364

  43. 43

    Returns: 372

  44. 44

    Returns: 394

  45. 45

    Returns: 412

  46. 46

    Returns: 430

  47. 47

    Returns: 442

  48. 48

    Returns: 475

  49. 49

    Returns: 485

  50. 50

    Returns: 507

  51. 1000000

    Returns: 205138958927

  52. 999999

    Returns: 205138533612

  53. 999998

    Returns: 205138046754

  54. 999997

    Returns: 205137651796

  55. 999996

    Returns: 205137385009

  56. 999995

    Returns: 205136779329

  57. 999994

    Returns: 205136451170

  58. 999993

    Returns: 205136083918

  59. 999992

    Returns: 205135622848

  60. 999991

    Returns: 205135178181

  61. 999990

    Returns: 205134907429

  62. 999989

    Returns: 205134316940

  63. 999988

    Returns: 205134018497

  64. 999987

    Returns: 205133608558

  65. 999986

    Returns: 205133130789

  66. 999985

    Returns: 205132744451

  67. 999984

    Returns: 205132458248

  68. 999983

    Returns: 205131842507

  69. 999982

    Returns: 205131530918

  70. 999981

    Returns: 205131164995

  71. 999980

    Returns: 205130704950

  72. 999979

    Returns: 205130250126

  73. 999978

    Returns: 205129973336

  74. 999977

    Returns: 205129398652

  75. 999976

    Returns: 205129100281

  76. 999975

    Returns: 205128695501

  77. 999974

    Returns: 205128200329

  78. 999973

    Returns: 205127805538

  79. 999972

    Returns: 205127539642

  80. 999971

    Returns: 205126927605

  81. 999970

    Returns: 205126618901

  82. 999969

    Returns: 205126233499

  83. 999968

    Returns: 205125769756

  84. 999967

    Returns: 205125329887

  85. 999966

    Returns: 205125050828

  86. 999965

    Returns: 205124486406

  87. 999964

    Returns: 205124173587

  88. 999963

    Returns: 205123760726

  89. 999962

    Returns: 205123280512

  90. 999961

    Returns: 205122885560

  91. 999960

    Returns: 205122629135

  92. 999959

    Returns: 205121994403

  93. 999958

    Returns: 205121682840

  94. 999957

    Returns: 205121318579

  95. 999956

    Returns: 205120847692

  96. 999955

    Returns: 205120418471

  97. 999954

    Returns: 205120122356

  98. 999953

    Returns: 205119550237

  99. 999952

    Returns: 205119253121

  100. 999951

    Returns: 205118841186

  101. 197723

    Returns: 8019726211

  102. 897596

    Returns: 165275999111

  103. 812037

    Returns: 135269439881

  104. 204741

    Returns: 8599166621

  105. 422750

    Returns: 36661860081

  106. 106756

    Returns: 2337918534

  107. 776557

    Returns: 123707067831

  108. 129191

    Returns: 3423796382

  109. 445299

    Returns: 40677198105

  110. 357328

    Returns: 26192773675

  111. 589993

    Returns: 71407089378

  112. 558854

    Returns: 64068453059

  113. 594306

    Returns: 72454985382

  114. 580633

    Returns: 69159370242

  115. 354348

    Returns: 25757745388

  116. 75203

    Returns: 1160138873

  117. 67792

    Returns: 942756569

  118. 50673

    Returns: 526737856

  119. 41137

    Returns: 347137002

  120. 30109

    Returns: 185961654

  121. 31682

    Returns: 205900019

  122. 44918

    Returns: 413882285

  123. 28923

    Returns: 171601501

  124. 86636

    Returns: 1539712515

  125. 41665

    Returns: 356105872

  126. 57464

    Returns: 677378695

  127. 66010

    Returns: 893843615

  128. 91874

    Returns: 1731520424

  129. 81741

    Returns: 1370641665

  130. 41418

    Returns: 351900395

  131. 9867

    Returns: 19969999

  132. 9228

    Returns: 17467833

  133. 3178

    Returns: 2071156

  134. 1029

    Returns: 217036

  135. 1748

    Returns: 626389

  136. 1295

    Returns: 343637

  137. 4325

    Returns: 3835994

  138. 6494

    Returns: 8649395

  139. 8059

    Returns: 13321089

  140. 5926

    Returns: 7202686

  141. 840

    Returns: 144682

  142. 888

    Returns: 161672

  143. 344

    Returns: 24202

  144. 979

    Returns: 196353

  145. 584

    Returns: 69829

  146. 727

    Returns: 108226

  147. 219

    Returns: 9800

  148. 290

    Returns: 17184

  149. 302

    Returns: 18639

  150. 487

    Returns: 48528

This problem statement is the exclusive and proprietary property of TopCoder, Inc. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this information without the prior written consent of TopCoder, Inc. is strictly prohibited. (c)2024, TopCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.
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