
Problem Statement for "EllysIncinerator"

Problem Statement

The government of the country, where Elly lives, thinks that the air there is too clean. To fix this, they want to build an incinerator, which burns waste.

For some unknown reason, the citizens started protesting. They had the absurd claim that the country was already burning enough coal and waste in its thermal power stations. Now the government thinks how to realize its project without making too much noise.

We can represent the country as a square 1000 by 1000 kilometers. There are several thermal power plants (TPS) inside it, which we'll represent as points with coordinates (X[i], Y[i]), laying inside or on the borders of this square. The TPS have different capacities. We'll consider the smoke cloud generated by each of them as a circle with radius R[i] and center the point (X[i], Y[i]). Since people have protested before because of the polu… clean air, the TPS are built in such a way that the smoke clouds of no two of them overlap (they are allowed to touch though).

Now the government has decided that if they make the incinerator follow the same rules people would stop protesting. For that, they need to find such a position and capacity for it, so its smoke cloud would not overlap with the smoke cloud of any of the TPS. Of course, they want the incinerator to be as powerful as possible, thus its radius should be as large as possible. Its coordinates should be inside or on the border of the country, however its smoke cloud (as well as the smoke clouds of the TPS) can go outside it.

You are given the double[]s X, Y and R giving the coordinates and the radius of each of the TPS. Return the maximum radius of the incinerator if positioned optimally.


double[], double[], double[]
Method signature:
double getMax(double[] X, double[] Y, double[] R)
(be sure your method is public)


  • Your return value will be considered correct if it has relative or an absolute error of less than 1e-9.


  • X, Y and R will contain between 2 and 100 elements, inclusive.
  • X, Y and R will contain the same number of elements.
  • Each element of X and Y will be between 0 and 1000, inclusive.
  • Each element of R will be between 1 and 1414, inclusive.
  • All the input circles will not overlap, but may touch.


  1. {42.1337, 543.21, 987.987, 0, 666.666, 133.331, 888.8}

    {13.666, 765.432, 666.666, 1000, 66.66, 666.666666666, 88.8}

    {191.17, 55.555, 321.321, 100, 16.6, 123.321, 8.8}

    Returns: 320.33719645669953

    The answer is achieved with the incinerator being at coordinates (434.939950686, 341.298204535).

  2. {0, 1000}

    {0, 1000}

    {666, 666}

    Returns: 334.0000000000005

    Two termal plants at the opposite corners of the country.

  3. {0, 550}

    {0, 700}

    {666, 5}

    Returns: 535.8326913195992

  4. {0, 550}

    {0, 800}

    {666, 5}

    Returns: 493.1812989815517

  5. {123, 808}

    {497, 505}

    {42, 17}

    Returns: 577.9142674597779

  6. {837, 959}

    {987, 864}

    {17, 13}

    Returns: 1277.1166871654198

  7. {500, 500}

    {0, 1000}

    {50, 50}

    Returns: 657.1067811865478

  8. {0, 0, 1000, 1000}

    {0, 1000, 0, 1000}

    {13, 42, 17, 55}

    Returns: 673.3140001931692

  9. {0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000, 500, 500, 338, 267, 338, 267, 658, 729, 658, 729}

    {0, 1000, 0, 1000, 500, 500, 0, 1000, 282, 353, 744, 673, 282, 353, 744, 673}

    {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}

    Returns: 271.00000000000085

  10. {100, 300, 500, 700, 900, 100, 100, 100, 100, 300, 500, 700, 900, 900, 900, 900, 499.999}

    {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 300, 500, 700, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 700, 500, 300, 499.999}

    {50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50}

    Returns: 185.70288893513973

  11. {42, 404, 783, 707}

    {17, 917, 700, 287}

    {202, 101, 21, 297}

    Returns: 401.1828758767322

  12. {633.788, 728.094, 931.67, 247.332, 106.492, 6.457, 371.183}

    {796.014, 234.534, 682.141, 194.325, 728.503, 456.982, 804.682}

    {158.355, 121.365, 123.185, 79.514, 63.725, 170.38, 11.106}

    Returns: 239.3595287454352

  13. {912.998, 96.038, 930.238, 658.469, 274.005, 249.663, 319.577, 51.181, 11.025, 429.06, 674.28, 823.337, 548.555}

    {755.554, 947.233, 279.785, 193.388, 605.117, 730.019, 357.653, 469.232, 163.78, 51.024, 969.851, 146.993, 868.239}

    {177.207, 36.788, 121.149, 57.286, 17.77, 99.764, 149.562, 1.089, 138.568, 134.106, 68.022, 47.916, 32.697}

    Returns: 207.40919218380492

  14. {827.471, 14.129, 618.708, 476.184, 809.486, 159.701, 43.542, 217.328, 520.811, 487.601, 304.607, 71.408, 580.637, 431.44, 24.895, 56.299, 9.497, 739.488, 662.694, 120.741, 926.914, 339.471, 276.891, 283.293, 992.381, 900.847, 923.426, 245.573, 990.897, 272.343, 137.418, 165.462, 977.63, 865.129, 434.287, 660.135, 698.627, 58.002, 606.568, 336.6, 993.813, 90.582, 585.609, 269.735, 992.49, 659.948, 526.141, 81.724, 223.153, 469.335}

    {880.162, 746.768, 230.709, 795.253, 586.775, 959.95, 117.509, 677.183, 548.965, 24.335, 470.169, 788.348, 361.403, 576.748, 642.461, 875.51, 318.453, 666.799, 724.513, 400.208, 26.04, 209.771, 272.209, 638.333, 759.456, 499.977, 332.563, 946.253, 919.925, 34.973, 685.423, 847.907, 405.094, 342.004, 187.919, 67.409, 502.555, 747.495, 45.324, 296.785, 636.987, 985.778, 594.304, 849.649, 299.628, 985.759, 415.145, 488.322, 825.231, 338.399}

    {133.779, 11.522, 120.985, 180.029, 53.259, 1.206, 191.179, 43.29, 21.854, 70.408, 133.972, 6.499, 10.191, 14.466, 54.393, 44.575, 1.007, 32.116, 3.19, 48.873, 187.111, 29.704, 41.875, 32.19, 1.18, 52.696, 37.619, 16.1, 1.864, 17.377, 5.939, 23.41, 49.367, 4.069, 48.236, 3.956, 71.83, 14.036, 13.614, 2.498, 73.595, 14.513, 43.772, 4.456, 16.72, 24.049, 41.104, 14.412, 19.842, 50.129}

    Returns: 86.72241709552333

  15. {16.349, 173.644, 481.947, 759.713, 519.929, 318.816, 839.171, 203.531, 776.353, 28.899, 961.537, 439.919, 777.418, 415.404, 998.805, 151.216, 25.829, 891.4, 126.891, 312.393, 618.351, 710.248, 346.642, 550.182, 20.483, 661.265, 472.404, 564.731, 847.107, 266.093, 541.317, 696.735, 151.996, 228.057, 635.243, 76.217, 505.886, 194.839, 797.865, 91.019, 89.36, 237.765, 28.147, 724.479, 61.695, 427.331, 189.548, 228.205, 595.504, 719.674, 451.593, 717.925, 787.117, 77.349, 982.408, 994.821, 566.662, 360.974, 129.831, 513.144, 763.647, 825.076, 271.17, 590.484, 476.141, 783.335, 638.551, 864.53, 779.193, 191.161, 882.881, 820.138, 547.42, 71.827, 139.138}

    {992.045, 492.135, 73.694, 334.637, 602.425, 747.882, 639.041, 255.803, 129.048, 464.718, 842.869, 645.611, 964.949, 413.605, 290.066, 695.935, 824.166, 519.682, 67.272, 562.586, 783.547, 380.54, 973.418, 484.093, 80.503, 482.903, 817.269, 870.971, 567.79, 552.636, 270.472, 221.075, 552.999, 407.64, 632.716, 178.789, 718.26, 439.265, 475.854, 951.421, 404.712, 121.76, 326.082, 36.397, 254.65, 908.802, 371.463, 928.817, 978.383, 576.91, 581.265, 801.665, 670.153, 733.016, 47.213, 585.55, 257.181, 870.039, 175.745, 960.274, 750.931, 301.803, 27.556, 588.973, 267.424, 342.6, 902.539, 193.088, 413.106, 14.447, 36.829, 3.745, 374.357, 645.536, 121.429}

    {20.393, 35.176, 160.659, 12.058, 53.957, 77.984, 18.504, 86.799, 63.292, 69.212, 176.414, 15.803, 41.747, 123.79, 152.179, 65.673, 83.037, 36.49, 3.037, 19.205, 48.681, 51.242, 63.742, 25.565, 49.198, 40.784, 49.963, 47.476, 17.166, 1.013, 14.33, 3.169, 24.182, 15.045, 19.138, 3.563, 31.223, 12.493, 23.037, 22.5, 15.896, 4.444, 43.027, 23.098, 34.83, 24.332, 13.347, 52.455, 48.432, 30.51, 7.95, 3.792, 40.473, 13.23, 32.247, 54.388, 1.932, 29.785, 12.008, 28.219, 14.511, 13.551, 24.881, 14.148, 33.073, 5.057, 1.571, 5.606, 23.487, 50.746, 14.901, 49.043, 7.971, 27.326, 5.623}

    Returns: 74.63715643790164

  16. {185.681, 717.228, 556.826, 138.542, 255.153, 834.977, 987.336, 7.404, 559.227, 230.966, 881.966, 435.083, 441.546, 550.416, 919.638, 769.97, 554.726, 389.676, 502.037, 25.989, 371.578, 496.726, 520.573, 954.407, 500.389, 470.604, 279.761, 498.128, 89.419, 211.625, 479.965, 68.314, 346.738, 701.68, 422.956, 51.483, 136.961, 183.259, 943.332, 149.626, 248.533, 898.313, 133.326, 620.812, 30.328, 445.065, 416.687, 992.577, 822.15, 414.932, 38.288, 593.647, 31.798, 316.281, 886.311, 453.237, 207.211, 618.525, 401.43, 81.859, 295.83, 509.349, 227.521, 559.01, 410.247, 348.258, 265.544, 435.925, 561.363, 418.531, 246.396, 544.264, 21.298, 389.655, 816.594, 8.654, 175.028, 340.081, 398.716, 632.289, 478.783, 571.48, 969.867, 300.286, 967.744, 995.777, 980.404, 79.508, 274.827, 2.069, 746.416, 592.405, 16.073, 394.35, 409.847, 269.538, 784.806, 43.33, 352.183, 474.363}

    {292.263, 387.563, 938.704, 576.068, 876.241, 146.23, 241.153, 835.297, 103.959, 647.758, 884.148, 629.991, 525.383, 753.429, 26.299, 75.022, 645.679, 428.038, 6.811, 439.338, 37.037, 185.598, 590.945, 538.501, 874.54, 698.141, 665.948, 793.018, 847.452, 38.689, 986.286, 937.293, 667.255, 43.446, 236.067, 127.975, 5.519, 985.111, 146.201, 770.176, 8.864, 116.432, 704.402, 17.995, 684.704, 720.531, 412.318, 475.935, 24.849, 113.568, 599.043, 950.213, 514.357, 484.721, 84.091, 1.684, 82.892, 81.35, 714.599, 720.24, 572.803, 917.525, 500.205, 606.315, 875.843, 462.608, 704.182, 920.401, 893.639, 157.817, 65.94, 828.997, 968.273, 753.239, 95.81, 46.191, 490.596, 972.716, 137.684, 767.974, 585.872, 671.171, 613.724, 82.785, 301.387, 320.891, 132.052, 38.105, 515.345, 177.369, 8.438, 820.076, 460.81, 816.913, 300.108, 484.285, 108.509, 16.083, 119.227, 82.843}

    {187.86, 245.645, 11.566, 78.119, 108.86, 18.681, 40.391, 71.306, 37.583, 33.985, 264.43, 48.933, 55.201, 35.845, 49.602, 10, 10, 10, 27.399, 10, 10, 46.811, 10, 25.611, 30.562, 10, 12.446, 19.763, 10, 10, 62.778, 36.051, 22.23, 24.282, 14.174, 11.149, 28.328, 16.593, 10, 21.974, 31.901, 10, 20.617, 10, 35.206, 15.747, 20.703, 31.583, 24.675, 10, 10, 20.471, 38.417, 17.295, 10, 21.656, 10, 19.301, 13.922, 24.291, 29.331, 11.842, 10, 10, 30.445, 12.415, 20.597, 10, 10, 15.46, 10, 15.614, 18.419, 22.514, 10, 32.516, 10, 13.174, 10, 10, 12.712, 10, 14.694, 10, 17.15, 10, 26.339, 32.196, 21.125, 12.691, 28.074, 10, 11.111, 23.417, 23.62, 10, 21.272, 10, 12.603, 21.116}

    Returns: 55.77157651238729

  17. {317.596, 865.772, 400.026, 128.221, 383.041, 56.139, 720.097, 577.459, 108.157, 747.368, 706.473, 163.778, 424.379, 188.985, 242.359, 827.519, 702.655, 58.715, 408.729, 207.434, 699.649, 323.418, 211.31, 347.745, 945.219, 543.723, 316.12, 985.538, 361.216, 581.088, 425.415, 750.765, 882.142, 617.786, 931.542, 130.672, 501.075, 215.813, 840.505, 428.448, 230.776, 445.333, 141.45, 207.146, 24.288, 133.029, 497.557, 481.434, 619.386, 300.15, 407.379, 524.098, 38.614, 937.676, 808.197, 41.972, 982.839, 110.408, 86.307, 817.511, 260.266, 681.982, 364.337, 235.965, 535.098, 597.701, 294.936, 133.026, 963.374, 901.287, 681.805, 989.266, 610.475, 468.345, 393.402, 598.171, 280.158, 270.735, 392.626, 666.703, 188.99, 33.032, 799.64, 169.183, 109.149, 711.953, 412.974, 2.574, 514.174, 360.197, 588.225, 314.893, 88.102, 850.517, 210.728, 928.694, 865.258, 188.112, 888.442, 619.787}

    {578.698, 417.169, 536.159, 472.096, 702.15, 405.503, 846.004, 443.542, 345.41, 82.946, 904.83, 185.082, 207.816, 116.775, 552.938, 550.343, 788.492, 773.983, 423.174, 360.102, 115.499, 739.671, 462.684, 827.559, 342.709, 0.069, 240.447, 953.119, 16.122, 158.734, 311.193, 214.804, 744.115, 100.604, 889.577, 408.849, 76.276, 403.321, 866.917, 603.494, 203.86, 97.155, 88.893, 271.974, 921.148, 225.516, 372.346, 795.956, 914.703, 350.197, 842.19, 855.856, 165.989, 220.539, 341.519, 19.268, 723.114, 541.015, 475.988, 596.163, 453.062, 513.137, 916.362, 962.589, 927.441, 671.891, 660.276, 964.656, 843.267, 59.783, 454.211, 474.891, 363.668, 177.506, 123.611, 601.501, 871.024, 79.392, 272.549, 290.516, 549.398, 630.426, 114.212, 907.691, 23.171, 8.916, 792.032, 506.544, 592.828, 632.218, 723.994, 616.314, 260.327, 643.178, 505.321, 555.697, 991.996, 839.857, 499.627, 798.74}

    {10, 10, 26.101, 20.104, 18.725, 10, 10, 49.789, 15.706, 10, 10, 12.498, 33.448, 10, 38.849, 18.489, 35.236, 36.032, 34.984, 33.277, 10, 13.546, 14.417, 20.094, 10, 24.195, 10, 38.805, 10.721, 45.375, 22.318, 13.179, 10, 14.881, 10, 21.764, 10.99, 10, 18.806, 22.554, 10.251, 23.415, 10, 10, 42.192, 10, 24.017, 10, 22.088, 10, 16.041, 28.473, 48.026, 27.316, 28.258, 38.267, 18.542, 25.774, 19.622, 14.037, 18.887, 29.456, 37.885, 41.079, 42.038, 27.222, 10.069, 10, 10, 15.987, 10, 48.065, 10, 10, 10, 13.401, 23.371, 29.621, 27.445, 10, 10, 30.51, 44.562, 24.468, 10, 35.687, 30.165, 15.884, 35.498, 12.876, 14.771, 10, 18.53, 42.011, 10, 10, 35.994, 43.885, 15.891, 10}

    Returns: 110.20425034433987

  18. {126.683, 417.489, 913.654, 894.866, 111.423, 824.468, 570.679, 357.297, 397.095, 93.892, 461.073, 24.259, 485.72, 444.68, 479.302, 158.841, 958.498, 646.994, 474.277, 866.093, 134.764, 700.684, 733.984, 560.07, 138.458, 371.522, 722.968, 289.869, 302.127, 134.788, 50.313, 585.097, 406.273, 702.66, 534.378, 200.925, 588.726, 612.482, 502.651, 483.765, 200.534, 945.8, 632.408, 784.791, 372.803, 982.099, 117.469, 761.112, 319.842, 622.358, 702.793, 234.838, 505.836, 531.63, 17.173, 261.865, 492.983, 8.299, 300.381, 997.287, 952.256, 441.832, 885.807, 408.141, 483.03, 51.823, 284.279, 316.413, 141.839, 528.017, 1.75, 148.52, 312.563, 492.478, 626.847, 76.248, 691.816, 378.78, 32.093, 200.171, 884.116, 348.939, 673.066, 90.847, 517.652, 630.699, 910.417, 885.707, 462.039, 733.382, 549.874, 421.995, 514.553, 488.798, 983.188, 749.6, 980.377, 688.523, 786.996, 239.181}

    {841.774, 510.801, 335.61, 946.332, 414.282, 712.819, 657.856, 200.33, 581.228, 33.056, 383.436, 14.529, 927.547, 640.376, 1.375, 112.054, 702.271, 965.234, 478.045, 808.144, 158.222, 969.474, 18.875, 490.42, 86.706, 368.809, 616.835, 512.687, 372.554, 36.985, 135.836, 167.617, 712.72, 830.583, 39.107, 1.368, 135.552, 38.886, 61.696, 454.135, 68.44, 784.507, 79.163, 653.484, 500.298, 709.046, 165.421, 955.411, 441.141, 801.745, 913.882, 574.633, 150.54, 418.3, 261.958, 295.713, 240.184, 249.57, 559.435, 813.459, 725.193, 784.985, 835.01, 446.936, 37.007, 241.221, 586.632, 1.373, 217.924, 315.748, 126.759, 126.035, 611.902, 84.923, 64.005, 215.291, 699.647, 464.862, 611.808, 582.788, 845.608, 477.002, 9.661, 56.875, 452.984, 562.502, 852.528, 859.263, 540.391, 619.781, 185.312, 32.673, 288.849, 273.293, 856.788, 647.861, 733.276, 898.9, 804.814, 628.968}

    {223.694, 16.424, 325.829, 77.301, 152.85, 59.637, 105.004, 129.008, 38.73, 2.259, 42.185, 67.233, 144.226, 18.287, 15.097, 5.305, 8.121, 17.091, 3.121, 28.767, 8.529, 27.949, 9.367, 29.487, 26.572, 16.795, 5.118, 6.12, 40.663, 8.8, 41.841, 1, 46.658, 52.836, 13.022, 11.21, 26.54, 14.662, 8.702, 22.41, 13.501, 33.013, 6.351, 4.706, 17.478, 3.449, 10.15, 28.636, 30.161, 25.103, 4.614, 19.414, 4.364, 24.197, 1, 1, 7.928, 1, 9.889, 20.003, 11.115, 1.126, 4.071, 1, 16.875, 7.896, 4.376, 56.922, 30.14, 19.836, 3.791, 11.691, 5.944, 11.452, 2.25, 25.367, 14.35, 7.615, 10.619, 14.853, 4.71, 13.428, 3.678, 9.745, 7.65, 3.872, 16.679, 4.417, 17.078, 5.291, 30.678, 40.886, 9.648, 12.604, 1.589, 12.456, 13.255, 10.899, 4.172, 9.749}

    Returns: 50.74698249988154

  19. {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999}

    {0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999}

    {50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50}

    Returns: 28.488852711709974

  20. {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 333, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 444, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 555, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 666, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 777, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999}

    {0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, 0, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999}

    {49.965, 49.969, 50.028, 50.053, 49.952, 50.053, 49.98, 50.041, 50.045, 50.071, 49.968, 49.968, 50.024, 50.025, 49.924, 49.929, 49.916, 50.045, 50.043, 50.016, 49.967, 50.055, 49.905, 49.901, 50.032, 50.008, 49.902, 49.958, 50.077, 50.037, 49.934, 50.099, 50.089, 50.053, 50.072, 50.069, 49.901, 50.007, 50.037, 50.058, 50.07, 49.925, 50.079, 50.067, 49.973, 50.005, 49.978, 49.908, 50.079, 50.089, 49.941, 50.035, 49.948, 49.994, 50.04, 50.008, 50.082, 49.958, 49.94, 49.903, 50.066, 49.967, 49.916, 49.941, 50.049, 49.959, 50.036, 50.041, 49.94, 50.059, 50.029, 50.062, 50.054, 50.015, 50.09, 50.088, 49.962, 50.06, 49.936, 49.923, 49.987, 50.017, 49.925, 50.095, 49.922, 50.003, 49.986, 50.077, 50, 50.034, 50.013, 50.066, 50.022, 50.099, 49.96, 49.902, 50.093, 50.002, 50.016, 50.053}

    Returns: 28.534370944745145

  21. {964.354, 59.915, 527.787, 981.864, 7.88, 54.482, 52.216, 915.823, 52.824, 171.587, 946.925, 637.071, 991.257, 47.02, 807.149, 259.867, 390.755, 798.242, 917.339, 407.361, 944.022, 69.684, 375.638, 13.636, 908.769, 890.241, 993.232, 866.256, 92.245, 16.067, 464.31, 925.033, 316.96, 71.357, 316.765, 224.801, 632.071, 270.02, 90.472, 847.487, 99.395, 410.029, 22.406, 908.592, 197.99, 284.471, 757.633, 765.183, 444.421, 938.333, 925.178, 131.161, 513.34, 947.71, 980.521, 674.606, 79.772, 61.975, 39.735, 991.141, 12.227, 427.41, 216.396, 723.858, 958.167, 75.923, 28.032, 464.754, 732.252, 882.048, 315.166, 904.624, 98.55, 444.561, 32.468, 5.858, 345.816, 182.973, 987.017, 81.499, 905.494, 57.029, 715.727, 626.784, 944.029, 55.675, 527.782, 941.688, 736.501, 935.62, 929.145, 71.444, 924.137, 900.042, 950.368, 967.701, 159.737, 290.439, 75.45, 93.86}

    {621.916, 559.71, 27.566, 60.065, 190.283, 264.786, 924.986, 360.949, 713.805, 42.367, 805.67, 917.717, 207.692, 94.812, 916.738, 52.285, 947.953, 8.474, 988.677, 6.427, 900.748, 671.644, 48.809, 754.911, 917.487, 39.037, 913.227, 985.679, 655.998, 435.551, 907.837, 484.178, 37.086, 193.926, 98.275, 951.57, 98.753, 999.614, 351.932, 84.571, 146.003, 75.946, 162.502, 967.523, 25.159, 937.751, 84.286, 998.895, 943.565, 707.743, 55.143, 68.664, 960.945, 982.556, 383.843, 41.405, 25.844, 11.377, 190.921, 702.948, 791.433, 40.399, 95.695, 91.369, 716.072, 813.344, 15.963, 983.841, 962.091, 55.576, 925.441, 640.101, 780.262, 95.538, 630.425, 552.282, 59.225, 916.694, 420.8, 52.612, 86.198, 786.327, 942.961, 63.768, 1.424, 168.024, 924.284, 920.026, 3.481, 398.091, 910.269, 755.502, 29.323, 974.339, 696.083, 321.734, 996.673, 975.172, 652.945, 716.282}

    {56.641, 36.357, 73.861, 43.38, 3.326, 50.912, 99.699, 20.388, 31.224, 4.204, 67.609, 72.457, 96.481, 42.055, 64.055, 45.254, 32.914, 59.402, 9.772, 10.308, 1.065, 12.772, 21.382, 1, 1.475, 8.983, 23.678, 18.371, 8.694, 89.169, 32.999, 67.554, 4.356, 3.263, 19.282, 29.995, 26.272, 14.298, 21.588, 16.296, 21.353, 16.156, 15.559, 3.648, 9.162, 16.891, 2.892, 3.675, 1.148, 11.337, 9.961, 39.839, 12.722, 20.729, 11.788, 37.083, 7.848, 14.031, 1.21, 1, 30.846, 5.693, 16.086, 12.503, 9.199, 11.547, 17.405, 24.495, 17.178, 9.131, 10.234, 5.602, 21.946, 21.247, 37.139, 9.744, 3.919, 1.586, 1, 10.373, 9.822, 4.569, 5.598, 6.112, 4.227, 10.973, 25.598, 2.41, 2.484, 16.262, 13.282, 11.177, 14.126, 2.983, 1.565, 1, 21.317, 10.569, 2.485, 5.795}

    Returns: 378.13037136779883

  22. {250, 750}

    {250, 750}

    {1, 1}

    Returns: 789.5694150420954

  23. {500, 500, 500, 750, 750, 750, 1000, 1000, 1000, 475, 475}

    {500, 0, 1000, 500, 0, 1000, 500, 0, 1000, 250, 750}

    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

    Returns: 504.7806466246021

  24. {1000, 450}

    {1000, 300}

    {666, 5}

    Returns: 535.8326913195992

  25. {252.938577836, 281.526105411, 391.934618452, 89.912126302, 94.46663711, 486.424744267, 188.396959607, 329.279967698, 393.64973293, 302.665953991, 419.196053396, 301.718327301, 210.736726989, 247.075904626, 468.690547064, 205.559423934, 327.570341673, 32.408008849, 275.355533031, 425.590241344, 90.508559283, 419.711567674, 182.324911117, 337.226764963, 470.347318632, 174.201274239, 189.315534027, 134.904326617, 196.141151602, 356.763172008, 370.611634883, 175.87191386, 72.990296192, 481.223578, 173.692988607, 39.592427711, 302.325321511, 366.849844611, 163.801641342, 469.13508355, 354.511621702, 96.579993797, 70.198542847, 213.989807225, 7.04338605, 369.269722942, 158.463402961, 421.524821918, 40.347771895, 301.051076165, 138.515840037, 374.441596422, 430.496578104, 164.737226826, 493.97441745, 13.577038722, 3.734876517, 463.936516807, 390.086709971, 324.295077969, 379.128419222, 252.597145314, 15.949758424, 190.395606785, 285.365625753, 109.829797336, 169.577618141, 464.042997649, 90.916983845, 344.637949242, 232.606155701, 15.612564251, 341.954211325, 413.331130656, 190.128492865, 199.729172238, 492.198725538, 250.129923704, 65.533976812, 270.57301223, 129.827489658, 179.638302338, 47.014926241, 37.991519117, 441.633276773, 187.14776205, 10.63316578, 483.136108697, 225.298926188, 235.264502865, 58.480079989, 401.401049379, 388.296693674, 111.182374109, 438.948881929, 360.98692285, 95.407882373, 29.469836791, 97.110609103, 95.72546886 }

    {60.974847605, 51.80992048, 139.157975713, 290.684197026, 316.481933121, 185.05792373, 153.045680304, 139.471037832, 292.906934117, 262.383666364, 381.727579166, 290.819078577, 318.660367883, 217.669540435, 401.00304634, 291.918202969, 24.989846036, 463.777759474, 249.860618793, 239.3699322, 334.352664876, 144.971285248, 357.84688669, 477.161785887, 243.150644514, 155.604422714, 43.191082886, 187.160368519, 172.337765996, 156.867470272, 140.96968756, 145.783818232, 314.128367275, 247.937807383, 74.766955204, 255.515648396, 468.255911911, 462.404360851, 416.378172132, 187.829311495, 320.875517307, 361.47391028, 386.729129903, 187.819160859, 455.61215347, 428.867600974, 175.982480874, 104.41795113, 453.635013953, 443.903349406, 146.269992165, 457.603759637, 35.63757707, 248.723344198, 430.65380828, 51.869119227, 109.14995558, 321.298262332, 392.9768533, 388.295554332, 357.556476071, 3.093482664, 448.153645824, 54.944959997, 149.75847837, 362.30398866, 66.587319185, 55.120961928, 219.707077151, 353.946620525, 368.781371446, 287.046516878, 454.349822307, 26.733426125, 339.15598165, 18.766096334, 106.214728227, 332.352428367, 438.237074491, 293.433634387, 236.375664118, 322.737160361, 35.869060025, 354.094597312, 88.028860189, 383.104325185, 305.072074717, 492.485614703, 14.891192525, 197.454877627, 307.629551382, 248.634916529, 369.728944693, 290.430969194, 194.869537263, 83.051678224, 128.683365379, 146.738480804, 292.402019306, 243.253921783 }

    {1.0, 1.53701157573054, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 5.900649608913841, 1.0, 10.23149862599058, 1.0, 1.0766883320090102, 1.0, 7.025918379113611, 1.0, 4.75693008322347, 6.53743641898206, 10.55602892565513, 23.685135369277774, 1.0, 14.44251721138362, 7.3623426588371705, 4.16809433363985, 7.639245386782201, 2.60429408979867, 1.0, 4.52561809836645, 1.4352147607088699, 1.0, 3.6197670869671503, 9.14788039628124, 12.040190911886851, 9.04322742582141, 5.53714921295415, 2.61432129052566, 7.149031154973541, 3.00541246657479, 5.52404658698172, 3.75244037122104, 1.91164051640367, 24.812458384934878, 3.7509208594163104, 6.90509162339325, 10.62383336260398, 13.96295699603373, 10.205655331426112, 4.906249150017871, 15.73856835574257, 10.12786303535685, 4.16396551092849, 6.9090917483916, 18.96520540204944, 11.05418574103716, 6.96073822592166, 17.19046399264101, 17.92578463236108, 15.791370395716891, 8.069580870384332, 8.211374921429641, 60.04620785791674, 8.562365771486041, 23.927367258934648, 8.61387296840892, 17.87958402537177, 6.710553599792941, 9.36706702439304, 3.6723881697510605, 2.65181347760004, 5.873084630566381, 14.57458237471878, 9.053071693377749, 15.49494594599103, 27.873957532637252, 7.33321036916298, 21.617192504913213, 2.14678015998372, 5.92156307777706, 15.94800874931769, 35.8808548078638, 12.55026362210874, 22.61080034173548, 24.228633541241702, 14.05501307746371, 13.562127471369061, 28.09490492414124, 31.88748519495927, 17.85491217809271, 15.83427825063405, 11.367274926114, 46.98252871701453, 9.91342624874616, 13.14919005578451, 13.28460718559967, 17.88522726793878, 6.624946023877261, 10.79923957952427, 27.24508423543311, 43.30556919497745, 33.005261993079515, 35.35934560800795, 3.40975654809354, 14.979486822633811 }

    Returns: 677.3924663071596

  26. {500.0, 888.0 }

    {500.0, 888.0 }

    {500.0, 1.0 }

    Returns: 207.1067811865483

  27. {0.0, 2.0 }

    {0.0, 0.0 }

    {1.0, 1.0 }

    Returns: 1411.8000566251408

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