
Problem Statement for "StringsBetween"

Problem Statement

All strings in this problem are strings of 0 to L lowercase English characters. We will call them valid strings.

All string comparisons are standard comparisons according to their lexicographic order: the string with a smaller character at the leftmost index on which they differ is smaller (e.g., "car" < "cat" because 'r' < 't') and if X is a prefix of Y, X is smaller than Y (e.g., "cat" < "cats").

You are given two valid strings A and B such that A < B.

Return the number of valid strings C such that A < C < B.


int, String, String
Method signature:
long count(int L, String A, String B)
(be sure your method is public)


  • L will be between 0 and 10, inclusive.
  • A and B will be valid strings.
  • A will be less than B.


  1. 1



    Returns: 3

    The valid strings between "" and "d" are "a", "b", and "c".

  2. 2



    Returns: 28

    The valid strings are "az", "b", "ba", "bb", ..., "bx", "by", "bz".

  3. 2



    Returns: 30

    Compared to the previous example we now also have valid strings "c" and "ca" within the specified range.

  4. 10



    Returns: 350592

  5. 4



    Returns: 57028

  6. 4



    Returns: 0

  7. 10



    Returns: 146813779479509

    The largest possible output.

  8. 10



    Returns: 135069320654491

  9. 4



    Returns: 2628

  10. 7



    Returns: 46191134

  11. 9



    Returns: 3784953109965

  12. 3



    Returns: 1

  13. 10



    Returns: 3864446371

  14. 10



    Returns: 30

  15. 10



    Returns: 89695400776682

  16. 9



    Returns: 442106476216

  17. 1



    Returns: 1

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