
Problem Statement for "Time"

Problem Statement

Computers tend to store dates and times as single numbers which represent the number of seconds or milliseconds since a particular date. Your task in this problem is to write a method whatTime, which takes an int, seconds, representing the number of seconds since midnight on some day, and returns a String formatted as "<H>:<M>:<S>". Here, <H> represents the number of complete hours since midnight, <M> represents the number of complete minutes since the last complete hour ended, and <S> represents the number of seconds since the last complete minute ended. Each of <H>, <M>, and <S> should be an integer, with no extra leading 0's. Thus, if seconds is 0, you should return "0:0:0", while if seconds is 3661, you should return "1:1:1".


Method signature:
String whatTime(int seconds)
(be sure your method is public)


  • seconds will be between 0 and 24*60*60 - 1 = 86399, inclusive.


  1. 0

    Returns: "0:0:0"

  2. 3661

    Returns: "1:1:1"

  3. 5436

    Returns: "1:30:36"

  4. 86399

    Returns: "23:59:59"

  5. 12345

    Returns: "3:25:45"

  6. 543

    Returns: "0:9:3"

  7. 6547

    Returns: "1:49:7"

  8. 345

    Returns: "0:5:45"

  9. 23334

    Returns: "6:28:54"

  10. 43200

    Returns: "12:0:0"

  11. 36000

    Returns: "10:0:0"

  12. 45678

    Returns: "12:41:18"

  13. 987

    Returns: "0:16:27"

  14. 9999

    Returns: "2:46:39"

  15. 2

    Returns: "0:0:2"

  16. 5436

    Returns: "1:30:36"

  17. 86399

    Returns: "23:59:59"

  18. 3660

    Returns: "1:1:0"

  19. 3600

    Returns: "1:0:0"

  20. 86398

    Returns: "23:59:58"

  21. 60

    Returns: "0:1:0"

  22. 0

    Returns: "0:0:0"

  23. 3661

    Returns: "1:1:1"

  24. 6

    Returns: "0:0:6"

  25. 36

    Returns: "0:0:36"

  26. 2

    Returns: "0:0:2"

  27. 5436

    Returns: "1:30:36"

  28. 86399

    Returns: "23:59:59"

  29. 3660

    Returns: "1:1:0"

  30. 3600

    Returns: "1:0:0"

  31. 86398

    Returns: "23:59:58"

  32. 60

    Returns: "0:1:0"

  33. 0

    Returns: "0:0:0"

  34. 3661

    Returns: "1:1:1"

  35. 6

    Returns: "0:0:6"

  36. 36

    Returns: "0:0:36"

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