
Problem Statement for "Presents2023"

Problem Statement

Time limit: 3 seconds.

My little brother loves cotton candy. Last Christmas I decided to give him several rectangular boxes, each full of cotton candy. Of course, presents need to be wrapped properly.

Whenever I wrap a box, the amount of wrapping paper consumed is always exactly equal to the surface area of that box. (The shape of the available wrapping paper does not matter, I will use scissors and tape as needed.)

In the beginning I had paperArea square centimeters of wrapping paper and a sufficient supply of boxes with all possible integer side lengths (in centimeters).

When preparing the gifts for my little brother, I repeatedly selected the largest box I could still wrap (as explained below), filled it with cotton candy, and wrapped it. The process terminated when I reached the situation in which the remaining amount of wrapping paper wasn't sufficient to wrap any more gifts.

When selecting the next box to fill and wrap, I used the following rules. Let (A, B, C)-box be a box with dimensions A, B, C such that A <= B <= C. In each iteration of the above process I selected the triple (A, B, C) using the following rules:

  1. Among all boxes I can still wrap, pick the one for which A*B*C is maximized.
  2. If there are multiple such boxes, pick the one with the smallest possible A.
  3. If there are still multiple such boxes, pick the one with the smallest possible B.

You are given the number paperArea: the total area of the wrapping paper I had. Determine what boxes I wrapped and return the total volume of cotton candy I gave to my little brother.


Method signature:
long pack(long paperArea)
(be sure your method is public)


  • For the constraints given below the correct return value is guaranteed to fit into a signed 64-bit integer.
  • Note that we are not trying to maximize the total volume of all the boxes. Instead, in each step separately we are maximizing the volume of the next box to be wrapped.


  • paperArea will be between 6 and 10^13, inclusive.


  1. 605

    Returns: 1000

    The biggest box I can wrap using 605 square centimeters of wrapping paper is a 10x10x10 cube with the volume 1000 cubic centimeters. Wrapping this box consumes 600 cm^2 of wrapping paper. This leaves us with just 5 cm^2 left, and that isn't enough to wrap any valid box.

  2. 366

    Returns: 451

    The best box we can wrap is 7x8x8 (volume 448, surface area 352). Once we do that, we have 14 cm^2 of wrapping paper left. The best use for that paper is to wrap another 1x1x3 box (volume 3, surface area 14). Total volume of presents: 448 + 3 = 451.

  3. 887

    Returns: 1734

    First we wrap a 12x12x12 cube, spending 6*12*12 = 864 cm^2 of wrapping paper. With the 23 cm^2 of paper left we select and wrap a 1x2x3 box. This requires 22 cm^2 of wrapping paper, and the remaining 1 cm^2 is already useless. Total volume is 12*12*12 + 1*2*3 = 1728 + 6 = 1734.

  4. 888

    Returns: 1728

    Here we have 1 cm^2 more than in the previous example. What changes? As before, the volume of the first box we'll choose will be 1728. However, now there are multiple such boxes, and remember that in such a case we minimize the length of the shortest side. Hence, the selected box will be a 9x12x16 box instead of the 12x12x12 box. The surface area of this box is exactly 888 cm^2, so we'll spend all our wrapping paper on it and there will be no additional boxes.

  5. 9999992703231

    Returns: 2151654948210946054

    highest btotal found

  6. 9999828300486

    Returns: 2151601838049369192

  7. 9999756726380

    Returns: 2151578505269770530

  8. 9698643506776

    Returns: 2055130706279639673

    highest spread

  9. 9307071000585

    Returns: 1931934913164043900

  10. 9756552636909

    Returns: 2073564471501180517

    highest leftover

  11. 9879236179718

    Returns: 2112798148423229880

  12. 9838826748753

    Returns: 2099848323011202508

    highest leftover unequal bc

  13. 9927959240577

    Returns: 2128447463576416043

    highest leftover unequal ab

  14. 8862426387728

    Returns: 1795154995533370787

    highest max_at_once

  15. 9030655608690

    Returns: 1846511386448027136

  16. 9778037965061

    Returns: 2080417853988411820

  17. 37

    Returns: 12

  18. 38

    Returns: 12

  19. 201

    Returns: 181

  20. 202

    Returns: 180

  21. 6

    Returns: 1

  22. 11

    Returns: 2

  23. 12

    Returns: 2

  24. 444

    Returns: 616

  25. 467

    Returns: 652

  26. 509

    Returns: 735

  27. 4718803

    Returns: 697082247

  28. 255999072

    Returns: 278690969891

  29. 104554406420

    Returns: 2300306349787954

  30. 5955217264

    Returns: 31269031444672

  31. 550195858414

    Returns: 27768270864865935

  32. 128654

    Returns: 3133602

  33. 1945526

    Returns: 184544980

  34. 24174

    Returns: 254088

  35. 15092312079

    Returns: 126155303467920

  36. 398384431

    Returns: 541011420894

  37. 404568667768

    Returns: 17508986040611357

  38. 2507971

    Returns: 270069516

  39. 14823990

    Returns: 3882268237

  40. 5380883297

    Returns: 26856352241940

  41. 3158239170747

    Returns: 381891845468694141

  42. 1310277910

    Returns: 3227138452826

  43. 55499601715

    Returns: 889624402209604

  44. 4530769

    Returns: 656148009

  45. 1744200488

    Returns: 4956353951682

  46. 123607717077

    Returns: 2956923977896281

  47. 94494

    Returns: 1969002

  48. 390160982005

    Returns: 16582059944327558

  49. 33064496

    Returns: 12933765584

  50. 85092

    Returns: 1685249

  51. 276590639

    Returns: 312977719495

  52. 1193

    Returns: 2748

  53. 6643732625

    Returns: 36845914546480

  54. 232351988

    Returns: 240982775273

  55. 7815141

    Returns: 1486343250

  56. 1500396267

    Returns: 3954306328950

  57. 10275110721

    Returns: 70868030997402

  58. 247443

    Returns: 8365595

  59. 76123533

    Returns: 45187827048

  60. 8736258

    Returns: 1756955070

  61. 71002

    Returns: 1283273

  62. 11026628440

    Returns: 78783321531604

  63. 1202019997459

    Returns: 89668561560936384

  64. 962335677241

    Returns: 64233695533798785

  65. 42677

    Returns: 599760

  66. 41106422055

    Returns: 567068380007137

  67. 8643892091380

    Returns: 1729167414843552171

  68. 9789702421419

    Returns: 2084142246450464262

  69. 7271871815957

    Returns: 1334266037794502321

  70. 6220906420673

    Returns: 1055731419063390540

  71. 5329653300293

    Returns: 837185114398861152

  72. 8606082488578

    Returns: 1717834600603051932

  73. 2459288227741

    Returns: 262414019114883580

  74. 2059470643596

    Returns: 201097337537996357

  75. 8117072847107

    Returns: 1573519499715959752

  76. 7645118572277

    Returns: 1438299939198409059

  77. 9920557010579

    Returns: 2126067632407537545

  78. 1168086444794

    Returns: 85898436097201887

  79. 8623026269939

    Returns: 1722910285349546818

  80. 2007907496283

    Returns: 193592406660327576

  81. 4315389660499

    Returns: 609962314622928512

  82. 2934884769294

    Returns: 342105059538562896

  83. 397123676994

    Returns: 17027904949058239

  84. 1729101105378

    Returns: 154704716001350928

  85. 8081715134728

    Returns: 1563249323724732636

  86. 8104344290927

    Returns: 1569819825861002836

  87. 4870395171702

    Returns: 731340159589255823

  88. 9584812364412

    Returns: 2019056396911427820

  89. 3331005690617

    Returns: 413652937646245441

  90. 718492429936

    Returns: 41438718707040723

  91. 4633289621396

    Returns: 678589620719994062

  92. 9530609936368

    Returns: 2001954185512176896

  93. 9074662437551

    Returns: 1860024572149109065

  94. 9866391206142

    Returns: 2108679540337218190

  95. 9966835942117

    Returns: 2140962342187393189

  96. 9779626170672

    Returns: 2080924723356610888

  97. 9659664011268

    Returns: 2042754303844014000

  98. 9590460587123

    Returns: 2020841294950144292

  99. 9870780278032

    Returns: 2110086440632592644

  100. 9637209777343

    Returns: 2035635367908690137

  101. 9452310294578

    Returns: 1977333713236315971

  102. 9750631384170

    Returns: 2071677151915292844

  103. 9987396311570

    Returns: 2147590678770582553

  104. 9804038793592

    Returns: 2088721860272444700

  105. 9101500890993

    Returns: 1868282473990896940

  106. 9563081725738

    Returns: 2012193632031455794

  107. 9338482607364

    Returns: 1941723819348985451

  108. 9589839694332

    Returns: 2020644869407591844

  109. 9398728625199

    Returns: 1960544456325368114

  110. 9119619534662

    Returns: 1873864208750833333

  111. 9936703077442

    Returns: 2131259967868115073

  112. 9818717083008

    Returns: 2093413762942098210

  113. 9396967191407

    Returns: 1959993559834417808

  114. 9382467889930

    Returns: 1955458741506403979

  115. 9951691023728

    Returns: 2136084559427596036

  116. 9697467716754

    Returns: 2054757329973635905

  117. 52

    Returns: 24

  118. 53

    Returns: 24

  119. 408

    Returns: 540

  120. 409

    Returns: 540

  121. 7529453509603

    Returns: 1405782464754153604

  122. 9245816517147

    Returns: 1912894059879767302

  123. 10000000000000

    Returns: 2151656837709465621

  124. 8929383040014

    Returns: 1815537241997378932

  125. 9999999999999

    Returns: 2151656837709465621

  126. 8797568847491

    Returns: 1775484828972090628

  127. 9757419806901

    Returns: 2073840927110169717

  128. 9794319252364

    Returns: 2085615947259723074

  129. 2504803960031

    Returns: 269732640504379514

  130. 8726349857628

    Returns: 1753969326235459516

  131. 333

    Returns: 394

  132. 14095968537

    Returns: 113870692680896

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