
Problem Statement for "ShortCut"

Problem Statement

My 4WD SUV can drive anywhere. Around here I can drive cross-country at a constant speed that is exactly half of my road speed.

Given a section of one-way road that is a sequence of straight-line segments, I want to know the fastest way to get from the start of the section to the end of the section. I can leave and re-enter the road as often as I wish. Create a method suvTime that is given a int[] roadX and a int[] roadY and that finds the quickest route, returning the time required as a fraction of the time required if I had to stay on the road. So, for example, a return of .75 means that by using my SUV capabilities I can get to my destination in 3/4 of the time required if I had to follow the road.

The i-th elements of roadX and roadY give the coordinates of i-th point along the road, where the first elements gives the start point and the last elements give the end point.


int[], int[]
Method signature:
double suvTime(int[] roadX, int[] roadY)
(be sure your method is public)


  • roadX will contain between 2 and 50 elements inclusive.
  • roadY will contain the same number of elements as roadX.
  • Each element in roadX and in roadY will be between -1000 and 1000 inclusive.
  • No two road segments will touch or intersect (except that the last point of a segment is the first point of the next segment).


  1. {10,14,14}


    Returns: 1.0

    E x x x Sxxxx 'S' is the start point, 'E' the end, and 'x' shows the road. Cross country might be fun, but leaving the road in this case would be a mistake. It could shorten the distance of the trip, but it would increase the time taken.

  2. {0,4,4}


    Returns: 0.8001991549907409

    x xx x x x x S x \ x \ x x E The \ shows the appropriate shortcut, which is directly from the start point to a little south on the final segment. This off-road leg has length 4.6188 and rejoins the road at a point where the remaining on-road travel has length 1.7. The original road distance was about 13.66 (5.66 northeastward, 8 southward). The shortcut reduces the trip to an equivalent road distance of 2*4.6188 + 1.7 = 10.93 which requires only about 80% of the time required by those pitiful non-SUV owners.

  3. {0,10, 10,-40,-40,5, 5,150,150,160,160,150,150}

    {0, 0,-10,-10,50,5,50, 50, 60, 60,-10,-10, 0}

    Returns: 0.5840318810924577

  4. {0,10, 10,-40,-40,5, 5,150,150,160,160,150,150}

    {0, 0,-10,-10,50,5,50, 50, 60, 60, 0, 0, 10}

    Returns: 0.564350562948024

  5. {0, 0,-100,-100,100,100,-20,-20}

    {0,-10, -10, 5, 5, 20, 20, 6}

    Returns: 0.08810385239586963

  6. {0, 0,-100,-100,100,100,-100,-100,100,100,-20,-20}

    {0,-10, -10, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 20, 20, 7}

    Returns: 0.03679765825083864

  7. {100,200,300,600}


    Returns: 0.7303017122985928

  8. {0,100,100,-100,-100,100}


    Returns: 0.2962962962962963

  9. {0,-100,-100,100,90}


    Returns: 0.4585856530883108

  10. {0,5,10}


    Returns: 1.0

  11. {900,200,-1000,400,400,612,-612,8,8,8,8,8,8,-8,2,1000}


    Returns: 0.019702547674269585

  12. {900,200,-1000,400,400,612,-612,8,8,8,8,8,8,-8,2,1000}


    Returns: 0.019702547674269585

  13. {900,200,-1000,400,400,612,-612,8,8,8,8,8,8,-8,2,1000}


    Returns: 0.055766322383360566

  14. {90,20,-100,40,40,61,-61,8,8,8,8,8,8,-8,2,100}


    Returns: 0.4071902740340737

  15. {456,529,102,936,803,461,678,-589,-511,-488,-995, -926,-395,-271,34,-147,604,650,427,274,452,842}

    {120,479,-547,-579,-97,-198,1000,-650,31,709,-325, -606,-873,-519,-267,-583,-964,-708,-702,-612,-648,-638}

    Returns: 0.13011156778959776

  16. {-213,954,841,965,-587,-357,-863,-189,-719,-657,-655,-899,-749,-581,-629,-757,-452,-393,-474,-656,-457,-546,-419,-437,-389,-452,-405,-378,-655,-851,-783,-732}


    Returns: 0.08044387370908598

  17. {829,-271,955,178,983,972,53,853,-780,-543,-136,-647,-742,-906,-938,-766,-931,-799,-875,-902,-855,-897,-871}


    Returns: 0.20039704212064494

  18. {525,759,539,-659,333,618,-629,-88,230,-842,-108,47,-202,-30,-705,423,-550,523,500,942,858,692,232,232,534,333,684}


    Returns: 0.04624404745551872

  19. {-97,-67,-739,-115,695,429,354,422,778,727,737,967,745,875,971,940,931,920}


    Returns: 0.20790849321517646

  20. {227,-583,-742,-536,-862,-996,-968,-957,15,583,-218,958,-531,386,-256,874,731,154,328,387,435,365,611,290,703,524,643,715,482,443,462}


    Returns: 0.051342638051999616

  21. {-81,-929,-194,-86,-15,245,442,933,601,997,807,685,-762,524,75,-659,-399,-212,-5,-813,-1000,-717,-903,-873,-926,-883,-900,-996,-986,-870,-788,-884,-950,-923,-920,-881,-933,-995,-935,-938,-928,-900,-805,-992,-982,-944,-983}


    Returns: 0.06694236484403053

  22. {-255,-988,-610,122,-135,334,-540,993,176,441,845,841,729,898,904,-216,-120,521,279,393,139,773,-203,414,706,282,466,784,833,487,547,151,-152,75,790,477,246,95,-77}


    Returns: 0.06860567931790991

  23. {703,-223,-398,-849,-540,-630,-480,391,-305,382,-162,-55,-529,-596,23,19,-338,-372,-124,-87,291,-202,-175,-271,-220,-121,-175,-207,-247,-188}


    Returns: 0.12051170387732284

  24. {485,-137,-417,-209,787,181,449,968,-210,680,487,371,104,856,861,748,950,240,419,-328,-557,-692,-266,-840,-978,-801,-637,-402,-978,-458,-635,-595,-662,-923,-949,-806,-855,-823,-726,-923,-672,-784,-915,-759,-933}


    Returns: 0.1125320727608943

  25. {0,7,2,1,-7,1}


    Returns: 0.34162599160153845

  26. {0,1,-7,1}


    Returns: 0.8033541003199891

  27. {0,5,-5,5}


    Returns: 0.7602017877892847

  28. {0,-7,-8,-2,-4,-2,3,-4}


    Returns: 0.23911583997851515

  29. {0,5,-9,1,-6,8,-10}


    Returns: 0.2585980834405873

  30. {0,-6,8,-4,2,3,6}


    Returns: 0.15375162069192738

  31. { 0, -100, -100, 100, 90 }

    { 0, 0, 20, 20, 40 }

    Returns: 0.4585856530883108

  32. { 0, 5, -5, 10, -10, 15, -15, 20, -20, 35, -35, 40, -40, 55, -55, 65, -65, 70, -70, 85, -85, 90, -90, 105, -105, 90, -80, 87, -98, 5, -5, 10, -10, 15, -15, 20, -20, 35, -35, 40, -40, 105, -105, 90, -80, 87, -98 }

    { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50 }

    Returns: 0.03938143988910353

  33. { 0, 5, 5, -5, -5, -2 }

    { 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, 2 }

    Returns: 0.22539217924559546

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