
Problem Statement for "SquareLanguage"

Problem Statement

The problem statement contains superscripts that are viewable in the applet.
Let S be a set of distinct strings. We form the new set S2 by collecting all distinct strings of the form xy, where the prefix x is in S, and the suffix y is in S as well. Suppose S is defined as follows:
   S = {ai bj ck dm | la <= i <= ua, lb <= j <= ub, lc <= k <= uc, ld <= m <= ud }
Here ai denotes the letter 'a' repeated i times. For example,
	a3 b2 c0 d1 = aaabbd
You will be given l_ and u_ as the first and second elements of _bounds respectively (here _ denotes a, b, c, or d). Return the number of strings in S2.


int[], int[], int[], int[]
Method signature:
long howMany(int[] abounds, int[] bbounds, int[] cbounds, int[] dbounds)
(be sure your method is public)


  • The set notation T = { x | prop } means that T contains all elements x such that prop is true.


  • abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds will each contain exactly 2 elements.
  • In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 0 will not be greater than element 1.
  • In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 0 will be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
  • In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 1 will be between 0 and 100 inclusive.


  1. {0,100}




    Returns: 10828525844240801

  2. {0,10}




    Returns: 213826481

  3. {1,10}




    Returns: 100000000

  4. {0,2}




    Returns: 6129

  5. {0,1}




    Returns: 224

  6. {0,0}




    Returns: 1

  7. {0,1}




    Returns: 3

  8. {0,1}




    Returns: 12

  9. {0,100}




    Returns: 201

    Here there are 201 possible strings. Each one is distinguished by the number of a's it contains.

  10. {0,1}




    Returns: 12

    The 12 strings in S2 are "", "a", "b", "aa", "ab", "ba", "bb", "bab", "aab", "abb", "aba", and "abab".

  11. {1,100}




    Returns: 410390615610000

    Here there is no danger of duplicates.

  12. {0,100}




    Returns: 10615191408029899

  13. {0,20}




    Returns: 1641220888605

  14. {0,20}




    Returns: 299019748230

  15. {3,20}




    Returns: 40875134976

  16. {9,20}




    Returns: 5267275776

  17. {20,20}




    Returns: 194481

  18. {1,1}




    Returns: 1

  19. {0,2}




    Returns: 57

    The 12 strings in S2 are "", "a", "b", "aa", "ab", "ba", "bb", "bab", "aab", "abb", "aba", and "abab".

  20. {0,0}




    Returns: 4

  21. {0,0}




    Returns: 14

  22. {0,0}




    Returns: 3

  23. {0,0}




    Returns: 31096445

  24. {0,0}




    Returns: 5198400

  25. {0,0}




    Returns: 576

  26. {0,0}




    Returns: 30250000

  27. {0,1}




    Returns: 1323

  28. {0,1}




    Returns: 71994344

  29. {0,1}




    Returns: 484708

  30. {0,1}




    Returns: 65974480

  31. {0,1}




    Returns: 104976

  32. {0,1}




    Returns: 4

  33. {0,1}




    Returns: 39690000

  34. {0,40}




    Returns: 6724

  35. {0,6}




    Returns: 1223236

  36. {0,19}




    Returns: 102400

  37. {0,13}




    Returns: 12446784

  38. {0,33}




    Returns: 58918519705600

  39. {1,1}




    Returns: 576

  40. {1,1}




    Returns: 5156388864

  41. {1,1}




    Returns: 21904

  42. {1,1}




    Returns: 5776

  43. {1,1}




    Returns: 334084

  44. {1,66}




    Returns: 293367100

  45. {1,65}




    Returns: 73616400

  46. {1,86}




    Returns: 112781788900

  47. {37,73}




    Returns: 2884

  48. {10,57}




    Returns: 510138777600

  49. {4,36}




    Returns: 3073593600

  50. {0, 100 }

    {0, 0 }

    {0, 0 }

    {0, 0 }

    Returns: 201

  51. {0, 20 }

    {0, 30 }

    {0, 40 }

    {0, 47 }

    Returns: 1641220888605

  52. {1, 100 }

    {10, 90 }

    {20, 80 }

    {30, 70 }

    Returns: 410390615610000

  53. {0, 20 }

    {0, 30 }

    {2, 40 }

    {0, 47 }

    Returns: 1485116321472

  54. {0, 100 }

    {0, 99 }

    {1, 98 }

    {0, 97 }

    Returns: 9409068287131800

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