Problem Statement
Let S be a set of distinct strings. We form the new set S2 by collecting all distinct strings of the form xy, where the prefix x is in S, and the suffix y is in S as well. Suppose S is defined as follows:
S = {ai bj ck dm | la <= i <= ua, lb <= j <= ub, lc <= k <= uc, ld <= m <= ud }Here ai denotes the letter 'a' repeated i times. For example,
a3 b2 c0 d1 = aaabbdYou will be given l_ and u_ as the first and second elements of _bounds respectively (here _ denotes a, b, c, or d). Return the number of strings in S2.
- Class:
- SquareLanguage
- Method:
- howMany
- Parameters:
- int[], int[], int[], int[]
- Returns:
- long
- Method signature:
- long howMany(int[] abounds, int[] bbounds, int[] cbounds, int[] dbounds)
- (be sure your method is public)
- The set notation T = { x | prop } means that T contains all elements x such that prop is true.
- abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds will each contain exactly 2 elements.
- In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 0 will not be greater than element 1.
- In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 0 will be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
- In abounds, bbounds, cbounds and dbounds element 1 will be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
Returns: 10828525844240801
Returns: 213826481
Returns: 100000000
Returns: 6129
Returns: 224
Returns: 1
Returns: 3
Returns: 12
Returns: 201
Here there are 201 possible strings. Each one is distinguished by the number of a's it contains.
Returns: 12
The 12 strings in S2 are "", "a", "b", "aa", "ab", "ba", "bb", "bab", "aab", "abb", "aba", and "abab".
Returns: 410390615610000
Here there is no danger of duplicates.
Returns: 10615191408029899
Returns: 1641220888605
Returns: 299019748230
Returns: 40875134976
Returns: 5267275776
Returns: 194481
Returns: 1
Returns: 57
The 12 strings in S2 are "", "a", "b", "aa", "ab", "ba", "bb", "bab", "aab", "abb", "aba", and "abab".
Returns: 4
Returns: 14
Returns: 3
Returns: 31096445
Returns: 5198400
Returns: 576
Returns: 30250000
Returns: 1323
Returns: 71994344
Returns: 484708
Returns: 65974480
Returns: 104976
Returns: 4
Returns: 39690000
Returns: 6724
Returns: 1223236
Returns: 102400
Returns: 12446784
Returns: 58918519705600
Returns: 576
Returns: 5156388864
Returns: 21904
Returns: 5776
Returns: 334084
Returns: 293367100
Returns: 73616400
Returns: 112781788900
Returns: 2884
Returns: 510138777600
Returns: 3073593600
{0, 100 }
{0, 0 }
{0, 0 }
{0, 0 }
Returns: 201
{0, 20 }
{0, 30 }
{0, 40 }
{0, 47 }
Returns: 1641220888605
{1, 100 }
{10, 90 }
{20, 80 }
{30, 70 }
Returns: 410390615610000
{0, 20 }
{0, 30 }
{2, 40 }
{0, 47 }
Returns: 1485116321472
{0, 100 }
{0, 99 }
{1, 98 }
{0, 97 }
Returns: 9409068287131800