An elementary way to encode messages is an alphabet shift. Given an int k, you
encode a message by shifting each one of its letters by k letters to the right
in the alphabet where a is on the far left of the alphabet and z on is the far
right of the alphabet. For example, for k=1, a becomes b, g becomes h, y
becomes z, and z becomes a (that is, it wraps around). For k=2, a becomes c, b
becomes d, and so forth. Given a String message and an int k, return the
alphabet-shifted message. If there are numbers or spaces in the string, leave
them as is (see example 2).
Strings are case sensitive, so if k=1, a becomes b, and A becomes B.
Class name: Code
Method name: shift
Parameters: String, int
Returns: String
The method signature is:
String shift(String message, int k)
Be sure your method is public.
TopCoder will ensure the following:
*The message will contain between 0 and 50 characters, inclusive.
*k will be an int between 0 and 25, inclusive.
*The message will contain only letters [a-z,A-Z], numbers [0-9] inclusive, and
k = 1
message = "Hello world"
return = "Ifmmp xpsme"
k = 3
message = "Send 3 balloons"
return = "Vhqg 3 edoorrqv"
k = 0
message = "NO SHIFT"
return = "NO SHIFT"
k = 25
message = "shift me left"
return = "rghes ld kdes"