
Problem Statement for "ATaleOfThreeCities"

Problem Statement

As a result of ever increasing traffic jams, subway transportation in big cities has become a must. A train can actually take you from your home to your office faster than a car can. But what happens if you have your office in another city? In this problem we consider three different cities: A, B and C. Each of these cities has its own subway transportation system and you can go from a station to any other in the same city without having to leave the underground. A big project is now underway, and the goal is to merge the subway lines such that transportation between these cities becomes available soon. In order to achieve this, it was decided that two tunnels would be constructed, each of them connecting two subway stations in two different cities. This has to be done at a minimal cost, so it is important which subway stations are chosen. Also consider that the only factor in determining the cost is the distance between the two subway stations connected by a tunnel.

You will be given a int[] ax, a int[] ay, a int[] bx, a int[] by, a int[] cx and a int[] cy with the following signification:
ax and ay represent the coordinates of the subway stations in city A i.e (ax[i],ay[i]) is the point denoting the place of the i-th station
bx and by represent the coordinates of the subway stations in city B i.e (bx[i],by[i]) is the point denoting the place of the i-th station
cx and cy represent the coordinates of the subway stations in city C i.e (cx[i],cy[i]) is the point denoting the place of the i-th station

Return the minimal added distance of the two tunnels such that all three cities become connected.


int[], int[], int[], int[], int[], int[]
Method signature:
double connect(int[] ax, int[] ay, int[] bx, int[] by, int[] cx, int[] cy)
(be sure your method is public)


  • Your return value must have an absolute or relative error less than 1e-9.


  • ax, ay, bx, by, cx, and cy will each contain between 2 and 50 elements, inclusive.
  • Each element of ax, ay, bx, by, cx, and cy is between -100 and 100, inclusive.
  • The number of elements in ax is equal to the number of elements in ay.
  • The number of elements in bx is equal to the number of elements in by.
  • The number of elements in cx is equal to the number of elements in cy.
  • There are no subway stations with identical coordinates.


  1. {0,0,0}






    Returns: 3.414213562373095

    The tunnel connecting the subway station in city A at (0,2) with the subway station in city C at (1,3) has a length of about 1.41 and the tunnel connecting the subway station in city A at (0,1) with the subway station in city B at (2,1) has a length of 2.

  2. {-2,-1,0,1,2}






    Returns: 2.0

  3. {4,5,11,21,8,10,3,9,5,6}






    Returns: 50.323397776611024

  4. {1,8}






    Returns: 2.0

  5. {1,2,3,4}






    Returns: 4.242640687119286

  6. {26,-38,-4,-41,-3,34,-45,-34,32,44,0,32,48,-1,33,19,46,27,-23,-9,41,1,-32,-49,-44,-18,48,-20,38,-50,-29,-47,21,17,49,-49,26,-2,37,-21,42,44,-23,-20,-15,-9,-32,-40,-16,8}






    Returns: 2.0

  7. {47,50,-27,50,-49,-40,-30,11,-35,-18,-43,2,-45,31,-42,-45,50,-33,50,-19,3,-12,27,14,-23,25,44,19,27,-15,12,-8,34,43,-42,50,16,-32,4,38,-24,19,-22,-8,23,38,45,-31,-50,34}






    Returns: 13.70134478063541

  8. {21,-35,-45,40,-33,-44,-41,42,-24,35,-39,27,-37,-16,18,-39,-6,-1,41,21,-5,15,4,11,49,-8,-39,26,45,-32,39,-33,-27,34,13,42,16,-28,-41,13,2,31,-50,-37,-28,42,-10,-8,-14,32}






    Returns: 14.280109889280517

  9. {-8,29,-26,49,41,-5,35,12,-17,-29,9,-12,13,-26,-40,19,-30,-31,-14,1,20,-40,-41,21,4,-6,43,12,16,48,35,43,20,21,-10,-34,22,9,-12,43,47,-30,38,-36,-31,43,5,31,-36,-24}






    Returns: 12.407317850634975

  10. {9,-34,-6,-44,-17,-17,-8,5,3,41}






    Returns: 31.328997299096123

  11. {-46,50,44,12,-11,-7,28,14,-48,21}






    Returns: 35.00914434885011

  12. {-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50}






    Returns: 4.0

  13. {-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50}






    Returns: 3.0

  14. {-50,-50,-50,-50}






    Returns: 22.06381118641753

  15. {82,-33,26,-39,95,68,-53,66,13,-59,15,-53,60,-50,-54,-88,81,-29,16,-44,-78,-23,-94,-69,76,-26,-22,-12,16,-61,32,73,3,96,-32,-82,-21,30,-96,-68,85,94,-45,86,-61,67,-88,-35,-91,-84}






    Returns: 3.2360679774997894

  16. {38,52,-12,-9,-11,4,-33,26,78,-37,-46,-37,6,-83,-53,21,-56,52,-14,25,-83,8,2,30,-45,42,-40,10,46,37,94,13,-6,13,-18,-20,-46,-93,-76,96,49,-3,-16,-48,22,52,-94,-1,22,-78}






    Returns: 3.23606797749979

  17. {0,78,72,20,-64,50,34,-51,-98,29,0,56,13,81,36,97,-79,11,47,2,62,3,-12,-42,-23,-43,-100,-22,-94,70,60,-77,71,100,-14,1,32}






    Returns: 5.99070478491457

  18. {12,98,84,93,86,84,83,40,-64,19,7,14,-61,36,47,-42,-1,-42,-14,-93,34,59,-7,1,-78}






    Returns: 7.0

  19. {-26,-72,-33,-84,34}






    Returns: 32.415530456738736

  20. {-67,-17}






    Returns: 39.16024290684261

  21. {67,61}






    Returns: 90.4743816513229

  22. {-60,-67}






    Returns: 255.69728035685324

  23. {-64,-61}






    Returns: 259.96879367129407

  24. {-64,-56,-61}






    Returns: 265.6799605885392

  25. {-68,-65,-58}






    Returns: 259.91542083542925

  26. {-59,-65,-63,-59,-52,-69,-64,-53,-55,-70}






    Returns: 235.61062258152396

  27. {-52,-59,-64,-50,-52,-57,-54,-52,-50,-66,-54,-50,-52,-57,-51,-54,-65,-70,-51,-65,-64,-60,-62,-65,-70,-66,-64,-66,-65,-57,-58,-53,-56,-54,-63,-66,-53,-50,-67,-51,-60,-64,-57,-53,-50,-56,-63,-59,-61,-65}






    Returns: 237.69006701125406

  28. {-100,-100}






    Returns: 394.0050762402293

  29. {-100,-100}






    Returns: 393.0025380547164

  30. {-32,-41,-69,-61,-50,-32}






    Returns: 68.89379901633579

  31. {-59,-48,-66,-41,-30,-44}






    Returns: 64.30107829399317

  32. {-53,-54,-50,-65,-37,-69}






    Returns: 83.11123333310793

  33. {-70,-32,-58,-56,-61,-41,-39,-37,-49,-34,-47,-60,-38,-51,-37,-45,-47,-46,-62,-54,-47,-55,-39,-43,-50,-44,-47,-70,-43,-37,-48,-59,-36,-41,-38,-48,-69,-65,-70,-41,-58,-53,-34,-30,-57,-68}






    Returns: 60.16628890296994

  34. {-61,-59,-68,-43,-38}






    Returns: 81.77479678506299

  35. {-47,-69,-31,-48,-43,-69,-42,-41,-42,-39,-47,-70,-56,-36,-70,-44,-63,-53,-34,-51,-40,-48,-51,-46,-55,-33,-36,-50,-42,-53,-41,-37,-39,-66,-59,-70,-49,-49,-39,-43,-57,-66,-41,-59,-70,-58,-45,-56,-49,-30}






    Returns: 79.53433565216704

  36. {-69,-67,-53}






    Returns: 114.07050050337301

  37. {1,4,3}






    Returns: 2.82842712474619

  38. {4,0}






    Returns: 6.0990195135927845

  39. {5,4}






    Returns: 5.4721359549995805

  40. {4,1}






    Returns: 5.99070478491457

  41. {1,5}






    Returns: 7.82842712474619

  42. {26,17,37,29,4,38}






    Returns: 4.0

  43. {50,3,19}






    Returns: 5.0

  44. {21,46,32}






    Returns: 7.0

  45. {2,4,5}






    Returns: 50.018512172212596

  46. {5,8,15,2,32,17,45,38,19,35,10,44,50,35,9,0,22,33,18,31,7,27,24,14,14,13,5,42,23,45,33,29,18,4,47,26,50,23,49,1,37,21,38,13,41,43,43,17,22,3}






    Returns: 2.0

  47. {6,49,12,18,2,3,20,25,25,9,9,41,24,13,11,11,34,32,23,29}






    Returns: 2.0

  48. {5,1,3,5,0,1,1,1,4,3,0,4,3,5,2,0,3,3,2,5,0,1,0,4,5,4,2,0,4,2,2,1,3,5,2,4}






    Returns: 41.408120990476064

  49. {5,3,2,2,5,1,3,1,1,4,1,4,0,3,2,3,5,1,2,0,1,3,3,5,5,0,4,2,4,4,0,0,4,0,5,2}






    Returns: 13.06225774829855

  50. {1,2,1,3,2,5,3,2,5,0,3,2,1,4,5,0,1,4,1,4,1,3,3,5,4,0,2,2,0,5,4,3,0,0,4,5}






    Returns: 9.516177866780305

  51. {1,3}






    Returns: 20.808880882776332

  52. {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 }

    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

    {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 }

    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }

    {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 }

    {2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }

    Returns: 2.0

  53. {-100, -99 }

    {-100, -99 }

    {100, 99 }

    {100, 99 }

    {0, 1 }

    {0, 1 }

    Returns: 278.6000717874997

  54. {0, 0, 0 }

    {0, 1, 2 }

    {2, 3 }

    {1, 1 }

    {1, 5 }

    {3, 28 }

    Returns: 3.414213562373095

  55. {0, 24 }

    {1, 25 }

    {2, 26 }

    {1, 25 }

    {1, 25 }

    {1, 25 }

    Returns: 2.0

  56. {0, 0 }

    {0, 1 }

    {100, 100 }

    {100, 99 }

    {70, 71 }

    {30, 30 }

    Returns: 150.61589656271536

  57. {0, 0 }

    {1, 2 }

    {2, 2 }

    {3, 4 }

    {60, 60 }

    {61, 62 }

    Returns: 83.55642213314768

  58. {-10, 0 }

    {0, 0 }

    {1, 10 }

    {0, 0 }

    {-11, 11 }

    {0, 0 }

    Returns: 2.0

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