
Problem Statement for "RedundantStrings"

Problem Statement

A string composed of a's and b's is either redundant or non-redundant. A string is redundant if and only if it can be expressed as a shorter string replicated multiple times. For example, the string "ababab" is redundant since it is 3 copies of "ab" concatenated together. The string "ab" is called a root of "ababab". The string "aaaa" has 2 roots: "aa" and "a". A nice result in formal languages states that every redundant string has exactly 1 non-redundant root (it may have many redundant roots).

Only considering strings composed of a's and b's, return the number of redundant strings that have the given length.


Method signature:
int howMany(int length)
(be sure your method is public)


  • length will be between 1 and 60 inclusive.


  1. 60

    Returns: 1074793396

  2. 1

    Returns: 0

    There are no redundant strings of length 1.

  3. 2

    Returns: 2

    Both "aa" and "bb" are redundant.

  4. 4

    Returns: 4

    Here the redundant strings are "aaaa", "bbbb", "abab", and "baba".

  5. 58

    Returns: 536870914

  6. 59

    Returns: 2

  7. 10

    Returns: 34

  8. 30

    Returns: 33814

  9. 1

    Returns: 0

  10. 2

    Returns: 2

  11. 3

    Returns: 2

  12. 4

    Returns: 4

  13. 5

    Returns: 2

  14. 6

    Returns: 10

  15. 7

    Returns: 2

  16. 8

    Returns: 16

  17. 9

    Returns: 8

  18. 10

    Returns: 34

  19. 11

    Returns: 2

  20. 12

    Returns: 76

  21. 13

    Returns: 2

  22. 14

    Returns: 130

  23. 15

    Returns: 38

  24. 16

    Returns: 256

  25. 17

    Returns: 2

  26. 18

    Returns: 568

  27. 19

    Returns: 2

  28. 20

    Returns: 1036

  29. 21

    Returns: 134

  30. 22

    Returns: 2050

  31. 23

    Returns: 2

  32. 24

    Returns: 4336

  33. 25

    Returns: 32

  34. 26

    Returns: 8194

  35. 27

    Returns: 512

  36. 28

    Returns: 16396

  37. 29

    Returns: 2

  38. 30

    Returns: 33814

  39. 31

    Returns: 2

  40. 32

    Returns: 65536

  41. 33

    Returns: 2054

  42. 34

    Returns: 131074

  43. 35

    Returns: 158

  44. 36

    Returns: 266176

  45. 37

    Returns: 2

  46. 38

    Returns: 524290

  47. 39

    Returns: 8198

  48. 40

    Returns: 1048816

  49. 41

    Returns: 2

  50. 42

    Returns: 2113462

  51. 43

    Returns: 2

  52. 44

    Returns: 4194316

  53. 45

    Returns: 33272

  54. 46

    Returns: 8388610

  55. 47

    Returns: 2

  56. 48

    Returns: 16842496

  57. 49

    Returns: 128

  58. 50

    Returns: 33555424

  59. 51

    Returns: 131078

  60. 52

    Returns: 67108876

  61. 53

    Returns: 2

  62. 54

    Returns: 134479360

  63. 55

    Returns: 2078

  64. 56

    Returns: 268435696

  65. 57

    Returns: 524294

  66. 58

    Returns: 536870914

  67. 59

    Returns: 2

  68. 60

    Returns: 1074793396

  69. 55

    Returns: 2078

  70. 60

    Returns: 1074793396

  71. 5

    Returns: 2

  72. 16

    Returns: 256

  73. 30

    Returns: 33814

  74. 9

    Returns: 8

  75. 8

    Returns: 16

  76. 32

    Returns: 65536

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