Programming environments commonly have features to indicate parenthesis and
bracket matching when editing a program. Even with this functionality,
however, finding bugs caused by a missing or an extra symbol are often
difficult to find. To assist your work you decide to write a preprocessor that
analyzes the parentheses and brackets of a program to determine the most likely
cause of symbol mismatch. In a correct program, the sequence of parentheses
and brackets should form a balanced string, nested properly. In other words
there is a one-to-one relationship between open parentheses and closed
parentheses, with a similar relationship for brackets. For each pair of
parentheses and brackets, the open symbol should come before the close symbol
and the substring between the open and closed symbol should also be balanced.
In other words,
Balanced_String = Balanced_String Balanced_String
| '(' Balanced_String ')'
| '[' Balanced_String ']'
| ""
Examples of balanced strings: "", "[]", "()[]", "([])()"
Examples of non-balanced strings: "())", "(]", "([)]"
Class Name: Nested
Method Name: makeBalanced
Parameters: String, int, int
Returns: int
Method signature (be sure your method is public): int makeBalanced(String data,
int insCost, int delCost);
If you are allowed to insert parentheses and brackets anywhere in the string at
cost insCost or delete parentheses and brackets at cost delCost, determine the
minimum cost of operations that will yield a balanced string.
TopCoder will ensure the validity of the inputs. Inputs are valid if:
- 0 <= insCost <= 1000
- 0 <= delCost <= 1000
- length(data) <= 50
- data is composed entirely of '(', ')', '[', and ']'
"()[]", 3, 2: makeBalanced should return 0 (the String is balanced)
"([)]", 1, 2: makeBalanced should return 2 (insert two parentheses to get
"(((]))", 1, 1: makeBalanced should return 2 (delete the ']' and add a ')' to
get "((()))")
"[)][)()(])", 2, 1: makeBalanced should return 4
"[()]]))((]])(((]][])", 10, 1: makeBalanced should return 10
"(((((((((((((((((((((((((]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]", 5, 6: makeBalanced should
return 250
"(]][))(]][))(]][))(]][))(]][))(]][))(]][))(]][))(]", 14, 99: makeBalanced
should return 476