
Problem Statement for "Monopolies"

Problem Statement

   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
  39                            11
  38                            12
  37                            13
  36                            14
  35                            15
  34                            16
  33                            17
  32                            18
  31                            19
  30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
In a certain board game, there are 40 numbered squares arranged around the board as shown above. The players alternate turns. On each turn a player rolls 2 six-sided dice and moves forward (clockwise) the sum of the two values. If he lands on square 7, 22, or 36 he draws a card which may direct him to move forward to a specified square or to "go to jail". There are 20 cards, and after a card has been drawn it is replaced and the cards are reshuffled:
  • 2 cards say "go to jail"
  • 1 card says "go to square 11"
  • 1 card says "go to square 24"
  • 1 card says "go to square 29"
  • 1 card says "go to square 39"
  • 14 cards don't cause him to move

If he has not gone to jail and has rolled "doubles" (the 2 dice have the same value) he continues his turn by rolling again and behaving as before. However, if he rolls doubles 3 times on one turn, he does not move the amount shown on the third roll -- instead he "goes to jail". The player's turn ends after he moves on a roll that was not doubles, or when he goes to jail.

One additional rule is that if a player lands on square 30, his turn ends after that move and he goes to jail.

We want to analyze the beginning of a 2 player game. Both players start on square 0. We will pretend that a player is removed from the game when he goes to jail or when he gets past square 39 (possibly by being directed to move by a card). So if a card directs a player to a lower numbered square, the player is removed from the game before landing on that square. If a card directs a player to a higher numbered square, he has landed on both the square where he drew the card and on the square he was directed to.

For a particular square we want to know the probability that the 2nd player will land on it without having the first player land on it earlier. Create a class Monopolies that contains a method probability the is given square and that returns the desired probability.


Method signature:
double probability(int square)
(be sure your method is public)


  • A return value with either an absolute or relative error of less than 1.0E-9 is considered correct.


  • square will be between 1 and 39, inclusive.


  1. 1

    Returns: 0.0

    No player can land on square 1 on his first time around the board, since the smallest possible roll causes a player to move 2 squares forward.

  2. 22

    Returns: 0.12122739832411301

  3. 30

    Returns: 0.11905533142891316

  4. 2

    Returns: 0.02700617283950617

  5. 3

    Returns: 0.05246913580246913

  6. 4

    Returns: 0.07703129762993446

  7. 5

    Returns: 0.1013303040695016

  8. 6

    Returns: 0.12576922344154856

  9. 7

    Returns: 0.15088612883709107

  10. 8

    Returns: 0.14160983526099324

  11. 9

    Returns: 0.13433119750204223

  12. 10

    Returns: 0.12849058025937032

  13. 11

    Returns: 0.12997543693093566

  14. 12

    Returns: 0.1153706558754526

  15. 13

    Returns: 0.1055704182700689

  16. 14

    Returns: 0.11531429009467811

  17. 15

    Returns: 0.12264982036529136

  18. 16

    Returns: 0.12556340986511677

  19. 17

    Returns: 0.12668859198231022

  20. 18

    Returns: 0.12534381013999316

  21. 19

    Returns: 0.1238262793463571

  22. 20

    Returns: 0.12185016220185278

  23. 21

    Returns: 0.12146889135612082

  24. 23

    Returns: 0.12232086565758749

  25. 24

    Returns: 0.13480148842285747

  26. 25

    Returns: 0.12177071374458667

  27. 26

    Returns: 0.12113851223949007

  28. 27

    Returns: 0.12053932414517979

  29. 28

    Returns: 0.1192242873555245

  30. 29

    Returns: 0.131666737155619

  31. 31

    Returns: 0.12038599085890288

  32. 32

    Returns: 0.11795227276092908

  33. 33

    Returns: 0.11543841147751183

  34. 34

    Returns: 0.11301763081954233

  35. 35

    Returns: 0.11023636159206301

  36. 36

    Returns: 0.10663353172704458

  37. 37

    Returns: 0.10184209378335683

  38. 38

    Returns: 0.10285677033608957

  39. 39

    Returns: 0.12165542859662269

  40. 36

    Returns: 0.10663353172704458

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