Given a range of numbers and a separate value X, your program must return a
tally regarding 2 statistics:
0) The quantity of numbers within the range whose digit sum is X
1) The quantity of numbers within the range whose digit product is X
The ranges used are INCLUSIVE.
For a number like 128:
- The digit sum is 1+2+8 = 11
- The digit product is 1*2*8 = 16
Note - leading zeros are never used while computing a digit product
Create a class Counter that contains the method tallyer, which takes an int
low, an int high, an int value, and returns an int[] that describes the 2
tallies mentioned above respectively.
Class: Counter
Method: tallyer
Parameters: int, int, int
Returns: int[]
Method signature (be sure your method is public): int[] tallyer(int low, int
high, int value);
TopCoder will ensure the validity of the inputs. Inputs are valid if all of
the following criteria are met:
- low is less than high (low < high)
- low is between 0 and 99999998, inclusive
- high is between 1 and 99999999, inclusive
- value is between 0 and 99999999, inclusive
- Watch out for timeouts
- The returned int[] should have 2 entries corresponding to the 2 statistics
mentioned above respectively
- The range's lower and upper bounds are given by low, and high respectively
and are inclusive
1) low = 0, high = 10, value = 3
Digit Sum: 3 is the only viable value so this index will have the value 1.
Digit Product: 3 is the only viable value so this index will have the value 1.
Returns: {1,1}
2) low = 0, high = 100, value = 5
Digit Sum: 5,14,23,32,41,50 all add to 5 so this value is 6.
Digit Product: 5,15,51 all multiply to 5 so this value is 3.
Returns: {6,3}
3) low = 5, high = 100, value = 0
Digit Sum: No values in range can add to 0 so this is 0.
Digit Product: 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 so this value is 10.
Returns: {0,10}
4) low = 0, high = 99999999, value = 999000
Returns: {0,0}
5) low = 1000, high = 1000000, value = 0
Returns: {0,401950}