
Problem Statement for "OddGraph"

Problem Statement

We want to design a network consisting of n identical Worker nodes and one Server node. The network must be connected and must not contain any cycles. We also require that each Worker node must be connected to an odd number of other nodes. How many distinct networks are there?

Here is a listing of all the distinct networks containing exactly 5 worker nodes:

       W               W     W              W          W  W 
       |                \    |              |          | /   
   W---S----W            S---W          S---W      S---W    
       | \              /    |              |          | \  
       W  W            W     W          W---W---W      W  W  
Two configurations G and G' are not distinct if there is a 1-1 mapping between their nodes such that the server in G maps to the server in G', and such that for every pair of nodes in G the pair that they are mapped to in G' is connected if and only if the pair in G is connected. Note that two configurations are not distinct if they have the same connection pattern, even if they are different geometrically as displayed in the plane. For example, these two configurations with 8 worker nodes are not distinct:
   W   W   W          W       W                                      
   |   |   |          |       |  
   W---S---W      W---S-------W                                                 
   |   |   |          |       | 
   W   W   W      W---W---W   W          
Given n, return the number of distinct networks that can be constructed with exactly n worker nodes.


Method signature:
int count(int n)
(be sure your method is public)


  • The answer will fit in an int.


  • n will be between 1 and 40, inclusive.


  1. 5

    Returns: 4

    The 4 networks are listed above.

  2. 1

    Returns: 1

    S---W is the only network with 1 worker node.

  3. 40

    Returns: 929556155

  4. 2

    Returns: 1

  5. 3

    Returns: 2

  6. 4

    Returns: 2

  7. 6

    Returns: 5

  8. 7

    Returns: 10

  9. 8

    Returns: 12

  10. 9

    Returns: 25

  11. 10

    Returns: 33

  12. 11

    Returns: 68

  13. 12

    Returns: 91

  14. 13

    Returns: 190

  15. 14

    Returns: 264

  16. 15

    Returns: 555

  17. 16

    Returns: 780

  18. 17

    Returns: 1649

  19. 18

    Returns: 2365

  20. 19

    Returns: 5021

  21. 20

    Returns: 7274

  22. 21

    Returns: 15518

  23. 22

    Returns: 22727

  24. 23

    Returns: 48646

  25. 24

    Returns: 71784

  26. 25

    Returns: 154162

  27. 26

    Returns: 229094

  28. 27

    Returns: 493346

  29. 28

    Returns: 737215

  30. 29

    Returns: 1591518

  31. 30

    Returns: 2390072

  32. 31

    Returns: 5170896

  33. 32

    Returns: 7798020

  34. 33

    Returns: 16903848

  35. 34

    Returns: 25587218

  36. 35

    Returns: 55561618

  37. 36

    Returns: 84377881

  38. 37

    Returns: 183509750

  39. 38

    Returns: 279499063

  40. 39

    Returns: 608726985

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