
Problem Statement for "Profit"

Problem Statement

Class Name: Profit
Method Name: maxProfit
Parameters: int,int[]
Returns: int

George owns a circus and brings his circus from town to town.  He knows how
much revenue he can take in on any day in a series of days in a town.  He also
knows the constant daily cost to run his circus.  George wants to bring his
circus to town for the series of days that results in the highest profit.

Implement a class Profit which contains a method maxProfit.  The method takes
an int and an int[] as parameters.  The int is the constant daily cost of
operating the circus.  The int[] contains elements representing the revenue the
circus will earn on given days. The 0th element of the int[] is "Day 1".  Index
1 is "Day 2", etc...  The method returns an int that is the maximum profit
George's circus can make by bringing the circus to town for a series of
sequential days that is a subset of the days in the int[].

For example, if the circus costs $20 a day to run, and the revenue per day is
{$18,$35,$6,$80,$15,$21}, George can make the most money by bringing his circus
to town from Day 2 to Day 4.  He will make (35+6+80)-(3*20) = $61.

-The series of days George brings his circus to town can be between 0 days and
the int[] size days, inclusive.
-If George brings his circus to town for 0 days, he makes 0 profit.

Here is the method signature:
int maxProfit(int perDayCost, int[] revenues);
Be sure your method is public.

perDayCost is a postive integer less than 1000.
revenues is a int[] of between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive.  Each element is a
positive integer less than 1000.

*If perDayCost=20 and revenues={18,35,6,80,15,21}, the most money can be made
by bringing the circus to town from Day 2 to Day 4.  The method returns the
maximum profit, 61.
*If perDayCost=40 and revenues={30,20,10,38}, George will make no money by
bringing his circus to the town, so George will bring his circus to town for 0
days and make 0 profit.  The method returns 0.
*If perDayCost=10 and revenues={30,20,10,38}, George will make the most money
by bringing his circus to town for all four days.  The method returns the
profit, 58.


int, int[]
Method signature:
int maxProfit(int param0, int[] param1)
(be sure your method is public)



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